How to Make Fondant Puppies
- 1). Dust a flat work surface with confectioner's sugar.
- 2). Place a baseball-sized portion of fondant on the work surface. Knead the fondant into a ball with your hands.
- 3). Dip half of a toothpick into brown food coloring gel. Drag the colored toothpick across the surface of the dough to create dots of color. Gently knead the fondant to mix the food coloring together until thoroughly combined.
- 4). Separate the dough into three pieces -- one small portion for the head and two medium-sized portions for the body and the appendages.
- 5). Mold one medium-sized fondant ball into a peanut shape. Roll the small portion into a head and muzzle shape.
- 6). Separate the other medium-sized portion into five equal parts. Mold four of them into puppy legs. Roll each of the four portions into logs using the palm of your hand against the work surface. Bend the fondant log into leg and paw shapes.
- 7). Cut three toothpicks in half with a pair of scissors. Use four halves of the toothpicks to stick into the base of each base. Insert the toothpick halfway in the leg and put the other half of the toothpick in the fondant body of the puppy.
- 8). Break the last portion of the medium-sized fondant ball into three separate parts. Shape two portions into small, teardrop shapes. Flatten the shapes with the palm of your hand to create the ears of the puppy. Roll the last portion into a thin rope. Taper one end to create the tail.
- 9). Brush the back of the ear shapes with a small brush dipped in water. Attach the ears to the head shape by pressing them lightly on either side of the head.
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Brush the base of the tail with water. Press the tail on the end of the fondant body. - 11
Roll a golf ball-sized portion of precolored black fondant into a thin sheet. Use a craft knife to cut small circles to create the eyes and larger circles to create spots for the puppy. Cut a small triangle for the nose and two small strips for the mouth. - 12
Arrange the eyes, nose and mouth pieces on the fondant head. Press each piece lightly to the fondant head to secure it in place. Press the spots randomly over the body. - 13
Allow the puppy to dry for six to eight hours uncovered on a baking sheet.