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How Do You Smell? Are You a Rose Or Skunkweed?

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"What's in a name.
That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell so sweet.
" Shakespeare's famous line is revealing.
The sweet smell of a rose does not change even when its name or unsurpassed beauty may become changed or flawed.
Even in death, a rose is known.
Even when its petals are dried and crushed, and left unidentifiable as a rose, the sweet fragrance reveals the unmistakable truth.
A person's life may be described in like manner.
The heart, or spirit of a person, will speak above the seeming obvious evidence that is outwardly shown.
Someone once said, "reputation is what men and women think of us; character is what God and angels know of us.
" Eventually, the outward covering fades away and what's inside will be known by all.
The story is told of an incidence that occurred at the Berlin Wall.
A group of East Germans for a time chose to dump their garbage over the wall into West Berlin.
Shortly thereafter there was returned to them over the wall from the people on the West, bags of bread and milk.
Attached to the bags containing life-giving substance was a note with the following words, "you give what you have.
" Throughout history, many people have tried to pass themselves off as a "rose," but when their authenticity becomes tested, the aroma of their words or actions have left the tell-tale signs of deception.
They gave what they had.
What savor permeates you? What lasting affect does your touch leave on others? Do your actions bring to mind the fragrance of a rose...
or perhaps, a skunkweed? The skunkweed or skunk cabbage emits a "skunkish" odor, especially when bruised or crushed.
Although like the rose it is pleasant to the eye, the inner fragrance is distinctively different and most offensive to the nostrils.
We are immediately drawn toward...
or repelled from the two distinctive flowers because of their scent.
We often forget this truth as we allow reputations to be established simply on the credence given to a name.
Our confidence is not so much based on the deeds or character of a particular person, but upon the opulence behind their name.
Wealth and prestige become synonymous with power - which seemingly in itself warrants respect and trust.
Even, the unscrupulous and unpleasant actions behind the name often get "swept under the rug," or are simply blurred in the viewer's eyes.
Yet a rose is a rose - and sin is sin.
God's perspective is not affected by the outer covering.
His all-seeing eyes look past one's beauty, power, riches, and prestige.
He looks searchingly into the heart.
The outward man may be surrounded with flowery charismatic appeal, but God sees the truth that comes from the heart.
He smells the lasting offensive odor that is left upon those that are touched - or He savors the sweet fragrance gently permeating from the heart with its acts of true love and compassion.
You may look like a rose and be admired by all who pass by; And even draw many to you by your beauty, talent, works, money, prestige.
All may appear well and good.
But what is the permeating aroma that surrounds you, and all whom your life touches -- when you are crushed and broken? Are you a rose, or a skunkweed? © copyright 2008

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