The Importance of Water in Caring For Acne
The benefits of water as part of our daily lives are undeniable.
We use it to prepare food, to drink, and to bathe.
What many people do not know is that water also plays an important roll in the reduction and treatment of acne flare-ups.
During an average day, most people lose almost two liters of water through perspiration, respiration, and waste removal.
Include a hot humid day, strenuous work, or athletic activity and the amount of fluid loss multiplies significantly.
Water is crucial to healthy cells, and healthy cells, particularly at the skin level where cells are exposed to damaging environmental conditions, can reduce acne outbreaks.
When cells are deprived of water, they become dehydrated.
Dehydrated cells do not function properly and are unable to rebuild, heal themselves, or remove waste efficiently.
Sadly, most people do not know that they are dehydrated, or they feel that they are replenishing their body with water through coffee, alcohol, or soft drinks.
Yet the caffeine, alcohol, and sugars contained in these liquids actually contribute to dehydration and introduce toxins.
Consuming enough pure water to replenish what the body has lost can greatly enhance your cells' ability to function properly and reduce acne blemishes.
Consuming adequate amounts of water--anywhere from six to eight large glasses of water per day--is beneficial to cell health.
But if the water you are consuming is not pure and contains minerals and toxins, these unwanted chemicals will be transported to the cellular level and can actually contribute to the cells' inability to function properly, often causing of acne.
If your water quality is questionable, investing in bottled water or some sort of water purification system can be beneficial to your body's overall health.
Water is unflavored and is not suppose to have a taste.
If your drinking water has a recognizable taste or leaves an aftertaste, chances are it is not as pure as it could be.
Proper cleansing with water can also help to reduce or eliminate acne.
Soaps and other cleansers that we use on our faces and bodies usually contain high levels of alkaline, which can disrupt the balance--as can hard water.
As a treatment for acne, cleansing the face with a solution of purified warm water mixed with salt will help to remove excess oil and dirt from your face without over drying it.
Over drying of the face can cause your body to respond with excess oil secretion that can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.
We use it to prepare food, to drink, and to bathe.
What many people do not know is that water also plays an important roll in the reduction and treatment of acne flare-ups.
During an average day, most people lose almost two liters of water through perspiration, respiration, and waste removal.
Include a hot humid day, strenuous work, or athletic activity and the amount of fluid loss multiplies significantly.
Water is crucial to healthy cells, and healthy cells, particularly at the skin level where cells are exposed to damaging environmental conditions, can reduce acne outbreaks.
When cells are deprived of water, they become dehydrated.
Dehydrated cells do not function properly and are unable to rebuild, heal themselves, or remove waste efficiently.
Sadly, most people do not know that they are dehydrated, or they feel that they are replenishing their body with water through coffee, alcohol, or soft drinks.
Yet the caffeine, alcohol, and sugars contained in these liquids actually contribute to dehydration and introduce toxins.
Consuming enough pure water to replenish what the body has lost can greatly enhance your cells' ability to function properly and reduce acne blemishes.
Consuming adequate amounts of water--anywhere from six to eight large glasses of water per day--is beneficial to cell health.
But if the water you are consuming is not pure and contains minerals and toxins, these unwanted chemicals will be transported to the cellular level and can actually contribute to the cells' inability to function properly, often causing of acne.
If your water quality is questionable, investing in bottled water or some sort of water purification system can be beneficial to your body's overall health.
Water is unflavored and is not suppose to have a taste.
If your drinking water has a recognizable taste or leaves an aftertaste, chances are it is not as pure as it could be.
Proper cleansing with water can also help to reduce or eliminate acne.
Soaps and other cleansers that we use on our faces and bodies usually contain high levels of alkaline, which can disrupt the balance--as can hard water.
As a treatment for acne, cleansing the face with a solution of purified warm water mixed with salt will help to remove excess oil and dirt from your face without over drying it.
Over drying of the face can cause your body to respond with excess oil secretion that can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.