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What Are the Functions of Caster Sugar?

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    • Because of its fine grains, caster sugar dissolves much faster than normal granulated sugar. This makes it ideal for meringues and cold liquids. If anything but caster sugar is used, flavor and consistency can be compromised.


    • Caster sugar is much finer than granulated sugar but not as fine as powdered sugar, which has been mechanically crushed.


    • The term caster sugar comes from Britain. In the United States, it's often called superfine sugar.


    • Caster sugar can be made by grinding regular granulated sugar in a food processor. Baker's sugar or superfine sugar may also be substituted for caster sugar.

    Fun Fact

    • Caster sugar, which is also sometimes spelled "castor" sugar, got its name because the grains are small enough to fit through the holes of a sugar caster, or shaker.


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