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How to Turn a Stand Up Teddy Bear Cake Into Winnie the Pooh

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    • 1). Put the buttercream in a bowl and add 1 drop to 2 two drops of yellow food coloring, stirring briskly. Continue to add coloring until you reach the desired shade. Winnie the Pooh has smaller ears and a longer snout than traditional teddy bears. Using a picture for guidance, cut a little from the ears of the cake. Use the offcuts to build up the snout, gluing them into place with buttercream. Transfer the cake to the cake board, and spread buttercream evenly all over the cake.

    • 2). Sprinkle a little powdered sugar onto the work surface and roll out the red sugar paste thinly. Cut out pieces to wrap around the bear's arms, then a separate piece to wrap around the body to form a jacket. Large pieces of sugar paste are best transferred by rolling them onto the rolling pin and unrolling them onto the cake.

    • 3). Roll out the black sugar paste, and cut out small pieces for eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Roll the blue sugar paste into a rough cylinder. Put leftover buttercream into an icing bag, and pipe "HUNNY" on the side of the cylinder. Glue the honey pot onto the cake board with buttercream.


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