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Treating Burns - Why You Should Use Homeopathy

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Treating burns at a homeopathic level is likely to prevent complications. Homeopathy doesn''t actually treat any condition. What it does is to stimulate your immune system so that you can treat (and cure) you.

But your range of symptoms, related only to the burn in this case, needs to match a similar symptom picture in the homeopathic medicine.

This can need expert help. Luckily, most burns have a similar symptom picture, so the choice of the appropriate medicine is pretty simple.

Most people suffer with stinging or burning pains which are better when put in cold water.

The homeopathic medicine Cantharis has just that picture. So it is the best medicine for treating burns. It is likely to help in the majority of burns.

Because it has stimulated your immune system, you can expect to see:
  • the pain disappear
  • infections healed or prevented
  • risk of scarring reduced or eliminated
  • rapid healing

Having decided on the medicine, two further considerations need to be taken. One is the potency (or strength). As a home prescriber, you will only have access to low potencies. So for any serious burns, you need to see a professional homeopath, who may prescribe a high potency.

The second consideration is the frequency of dosing. This is unique to you, rather than at a predetermined time. You need to see an improvement of your symptoms (typically the pain, in this case) after a dose or a series of doses initially. When this returns, then you re-dose.

When treating burns, it's also a ood idea to use the topical application of Hypercal, a diluted herbal mixture. This will support the internal medicine.

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