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Surviving Fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia has transformed itself from a one time psychological problem into a full fledged physical impairment that affects both the body and the mind.
It plays no favorites, causing various degrees of pain in multiple areas of the body, which in turn puts alertness in jeopardy and increases our stress level.
Those of us afflicted with the disease find that surviving fibromyalgia is paramount for a normal life.
Essentially it is unknown, or at least uncertain, what causes the occurrence of an attack of fibromyalgia.
Several reasons such as overexposure to cold or damp surroundings, an old injury, infections, inadequate rest and mental or physical stress have been suggested.
Non-restorative sleep can occur at any age, even adolescence.
At that time it is most frequently found in girls.
In the older generation it can occur correspondingly with, but not related to, osteoarthritis of the spine.
In every instance surviving fibromyalgia becomes the primary goal for every sufferer of this debilitating disease.
Pain and stiffness can be located throughout the body or it may be localized in certain areas as in the myofascial pain syndromes.
Men are more apt to suffer from myofascial pain or localized areas that have developed from a muscle strain in some past recreational or occupational activity.
Women are more susceptible to finding that fibromyalgia becomes present in many areas of the body.
Regardless of the sexual persuasion it is tantamount to all to find ways of surviving fibromyalgia,.
Primary fibromyalgia syndrome usually develops in healthy young women that are plagued with unrest brought on by anxiety, stress and depression, and the symptoms are usually aches in one or more of several areas Sudden and sharp pain are the symptoms associated with fibromyalgia in specific areas.
In each case the pain usually increases as fatigue sets in or from continuous muscular overuse and strain.
Certain areas may be quite tender when applying pressure.
Areas of the lower back and thighs, rib cage, chest, neck and shoulders are most likely to be painful.
Surviving fibromyalgia to those in need of alleviating these conditions is of great concern Drug treatment has so far, in most applications been non-beneficial and those drugs that have been promoted carry with them the potential of some serious side effects.
Mild cases can be alleviated by reducing stress, applying heat, stretching and conditioning exercise, light massaging and staying warm.
Better sleeping habits are certainly beneficial and can be assisted by doctor recommended prescriptions.
Any method that helps in surviving fibromyalgia should be put into play.

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