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Numerous Health Benefits of Green Peas

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Most of us seldom consider green peas as a nutritional food item even though it is consumed in most of the countries around the world.
It is a major ingredient in most of the Indian cuisines.
Apart from sugar and starch, this legume contains a unique variety of protective phytonutrients.
According to the recent surveys, daily consumption of this legume helps to prevent stomach cancer and various other diseases.
Various Benefits: The phytonutrients present in this green colored legume also provides various anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant benefits.
Some researchers believe that regular intake of peas helps to reduce the risks of developing type 2 diabetes.
It is also low in fat content which is one of the most important beneficial features of this food item as it can be consumed by people suffering from cholesterol.
It is also a consistent source of Omega-3 fatty acids.
It also contains a small amount of vitamin E and a substantial amount of beta carotene.
This healthy legume is also environment friendly as it proves to be beneficial to the soil.
These crops belong to a category known as the Nitrogen fixing crops as it is able to convert nitrogen gas in the air into complex forms with the help of bacteria present in the soil.
This helps to improve the nitrogen content in the soil without adding any type of fertilizers.
These crops also have low roots which help to prevent soil erosion.
Regular consumption of this legume also helps to regulate blood sugar levels.
As it is rich in proteins and fiber, it helps to break down starch into sugar.
This further helps to regulate the flow of carbohydrates through the digestive tract system.
The consumption of most of these legumes and pulses also lower fasting insulin levels too.
Regular consumption is also believed to reduce chronic inflammation and stress.
As these green pulses offer anti-inflammatory protection, it aids in the healthy functioning of the blood vessels.
It therefore helps to reduce clotting of blood in the blood vessels.
Moreover, Omega-3 fatty acids also help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Tips To Choose Best Products: Majority of the peas are sold fresh, although some of them are frozen and canned.
Frozen peas are healthy as it retains its texture, color and flavor compared to the canned products.
Most people prefer to use fresh products rather than canned and frozen peas.
Fresh green peas should be chosen according to the color and texture of the pods.
It is essential to select pods which are velvety, smooth and firm.
Choose pods with medium green color and avoid whitish and yellow colored pods.
Fresh peas should be refrigerated quickly to preserve the sugar content of the legume which may turn into starch.
Storing it in an unsealed container without washing and shelling the peas is an ideal method to preserve it for many days.
There are many delicious recipes with green peas which can be prepared quite easily.
Frozen, canned and dehydrated peas can be bought from various online stores too.

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