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Do You Know What Happens When You Quit Smoking?

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Starting from public places to private corners, wherever you go there is a board containing the message of 'No Smoking.' The notice on the board expects you to do some good to the environment. Sucking cigarettes pose great threat to the environment due to the smoke produced. In recent times, the youngsters have been found to be desperately addicted to smoking and hence they keep on sucking cigarette on the streets without hesitation. If you are addicted to smoking, environmental fear might not drive you to quit it, but knowing what happens when you quit smoking will surely compel you to stop smoking.

What happens when you quit smoking is not actually the real question; rather it's what health benefits you get when you stop to smoke. Well the benefits of quitting smoking are uncountable, but the difference in health before and after smoking cessation might not always be noticeable. In fact, what happens when you quit smoking will only come into notice over time and not instantly. Going through various sources will let you come across smoking cessation timeline to help you understand the real advantage of putting an end to sucking cigarettes.

What Happens When You Quit Smoking?
- Among one of the instant unnoticed changes is the reduced pulse rate and decreased blood pressure level. You will find a sudden increase in the temperature of your hands and feet.
- Within eight to ten hours, the level of carbon monoxide decreases to the normal level. Smoking leads to increased carbon monoxide content which reduces the ability of blood to carry oxygen. No smoking means increased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen.
- One of the greatest threats is the increased chances of heart attack, which gets reduced within twenty-four hours when you quit smoking.
- Ability to taste and smell gets enhanced within 48 hours as the nerve endings start to regrow.
- The process of circulation enhances within 2 to 3 weeks. The difficulty that you used to face while walking and the breathing problems would also come to an end.
- Lung functions also get improved when you quit smoking. Tiny hair-like structures, which help in moving mucus out of the lungs, regain their normal function, thereby improving your health condition.
- Sinus congestion, fatigues, coughs and problem of shortness of breath reduces within 1 year of quitting smoking.
- Next on the list of benefits or answers to the question of what happens when you quit smoking is the reduced risk of getting affected with coronary heart diseases, which is noticed within 1 year from the time you stop sucking cigarettes.
- The smokers are always at higher risk of heart strokes, but within 5 to 15 years, if you undergo any significant cardiac test, you will come across the fact that your risk of heart strokes is same as that of a non-smoker.
- What happens when you quit smoking for 10 years? The risk of lung cancer deteriorates along with negligible chances of mouth cancer or other cancers of throat, oesophagus, kidney, gall bladder and pancreas.

So guys, now you have to decide on the basis of 'what happens when you quit smoking', whether to continue or stop sucking cigarettes.


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