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Ayurvedic Treatment for Children with Asthma

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Asthma can become really fatal, if it is not treated during its initial stages of occurrence. Children with asthma are not very uncommon to find and quite often due to this problem their school studies may be badly affected. Such children cannot participate in various routine physical activities and games like other normal children. Due to asthma attacks, these children may miss their classes and thus, they are always out of any competition in the school.

Asthma attack symptoms can be commonly seen among children nowadays and it can be deadly too. Therefore, if any child is found to be affected from this disease, it should never be taken lightly. Asthma may be triggered in children due to various reasons like pollution, temperature change, environmental effect, eating habits etc.

The latest survey has found that out of 5 children, at least one of them show up with asthma attack symptoms in number of ways. As per Ayurveda, such kind of situation is known as "tamaka shwasa" In order to prevent attack from asthma, people must carry with them the inhalers, which is a device that can reduce the severity of any kind of asthmatic attack.

In our body, the respiratory system is considered to be one of the essential systems. From the atmospheric air, the oxygen is generally inhaled through nose, so that it is correctly filtered, purified and warmed before reaching its destination. Each & every cell of our body system uses this purified air, so that it remains clean.

If the lung does not get the required quantity of air due to certain hindrance, then it makes effort to function as a cell, which causes difficulty in breathing. In this way asthma attack symptoms develops. Scientifically this kind of obstruction is also called bronco-spasm.

Children with asthma can be cured through Ayurveda treatment. As per the modern system of medicine, asthma is caused due to allergy or reaction in respiratory track. When such allergy occurs, the cell produces more amount of mucus, which causes blockage in the airways. There are three different kinds of asthma

1. Infection type asthma

2. Dry type asthma

3. Congestive type asthma

The child must drink lots of water and avoid fried foods, if he or she is down due to infection type of asthma. They should also not eat after 10 PM. It is better to eat lots of fruit instead of dairy products or red meat. Children with asthma must also take turmeric, as it helps in enhancing immunity

Fluid intake must be increased in case the child is suffering due to dry asthma. This will increase both moisture and oxygen in the children's' body. Also, they must cover themselves from wind and cold weather. In order to retain moisture, Sesame oil should be massaged on their body. Cold food, nuts, dairy products must be avoided.

In case of congestive asthma, children must avoid taking dairy products, and non vegetable food. They must also avoid excess salt & sugar. Bitter vegetable is quite useful for them. Massaging with mustard oil can also be very useful.

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