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Rehearsing Your Life In Your Thoughts And Feelings

103 16
Cast your mind back over your day - can you remember your thoughts and feelings? Did you have a good day, or did it get you down? Happy, or frustrated? Today you rehearsed your tomorrow! Do you want to feel tomorrow as you did today? If you had a good day and you were full of positive feelings then your thoughts obviously matched.
On the other hand, if things did not go so well - you probably had negative feelings and wanted the day to end - right? When we feel bad we drag up all sorts of things that we are not happy with and focus all our thoughts and feelings on them - we are throwing this negative energy out! So what will your tomorrow bring? The Universe Heard You! All of your thoughts and feelings are creating your tomorrow - it's true! What you constantly think about and feel, will become your reality.
This is the simplicity and the beauty of the Law of Attraction.
So many people get confused about this - many have listened to, and watched video's and think they have grasped the law of attraction, but the simplicity gets washed away! So - whatever you are thinking of - right now - the universe will give you! So many people think to themselves - ' I no longer want this' - you thought about it, that is what you will get! Do not think about what you don't want, and do not put any effort into pushing it away, while you focus hard on not thinking about it any more - you are thinking about it - you are putting energy into it and you make it your reality, the universe see's this constantly and thinks it is what you want.
Turn around and tell it what you do want.
When we get frustrated we feel like screaming 'no More'! But this comes out with passion, the Universe does not recognise the - no more - it just loves passion, so it gives us more of what we are passionate about! Visualize - Visualize and then Visualize! Focus only on what you want, don't waste your time thinking and trying to justify your reasons for what you don't like or want - if you don't like it delete it, replace it with what you do want.
Tell the Universe what you want to show up in your life and it will.
Picture in your mind what it is that you want, picture it in every detail, feel excited about it, show the universe that this is your desire, see it as if it were in your life right now, get excited and thank the universe for the attention and for giving it to you.
Collect pictures to express your desires, make a vision board and look at it often, write your new story, use all the love and expression that you have, feel it, and believe that you can have it.
I have a passion, it is to get everyone to understand that they create their world and their life!

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