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Liquiboost Reviews - But Does it Really Work?

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That was the question I wanted Mary to answer! She had been telling me about Liquiboost, that it can give you more energy and shed the pounds with no effort on your behalf...
and how she had received a free trial and only had to pay for the postage & packing.
That's all well and good...
actually it's great...
but what good is a free trial if it doesn't work? After all if it sounds too good to be true...
Well, what can I say? I was truly shocked! Mary had lost 6lbs in the 8 days since I'd last seen her and on top of that she told me that she hadn't exercised at all that week! "See I told you they guaranteed weight loss of 5-8lbs a week" Mary said smugly.
She then told me why Liquiboost works so effectively at making you become thinner with no effort.
Liquiboost cleans your colon.
You know all the treats, fatty foods, cakes and everything else that you've eaten? A large amount of it is still in you, months, sometimes years after you've eaten it! It's clogging your colon and stopping your body from getting the nutrients from everyday food that would give you more energy and allow your body to loose weight.
I know it sounds amazing but it's true! In order to loose weight your body needs a healthy colon otherwise you're just wasting your time.
Liquidboost helps to de-clog your colon of the caked faecal matter that is clinging there and allows your body to start getting more of the good nutrients your body needs.
It goes without saying that I took up the offer of a free trial as did most of mine and Mary's friends.
The company guarantees weight loss of between 5-8lbs a week.
Out of a group of 10 of us 8 lost that amount; Shelly lost a whopping 9lb and Rachel only lost 3lbs...
but as she said "Losing 3lb for free while doing nothing? If that's failure then I LOVE failing!"

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