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Hawaiian Seaweed Preparation

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    • 1). Chop pieces of limu into pieces and combine with other types. Common varieties of Hawaiian seaweed include nori and ogo. These come in different colors and sizes, so a common preparation is to mix them into a salad.

    • 2). Combine chopped limu with pieces of raw ahi fish for a traditional Hawaiian dish known as Limu Poke. Use a smaller amount of limu than fish, but the portion size varies based upon personal preference. Season with sea salt, mirin cooking wine and soy sauce to taste. Add small amount at first until you have a taste that you enjoy.

    • 3). Place sliced seaweed in a jar and cover with salt. Allow to ferment on your counter for two days. Refrigerate and use fo flavoring in salads, soups, fried rice and other dishes that need a salty kick of flavor.

    • 4). Deep fry entire leaves of seaweed and serve as a snack or side dish. Add seaweed to a pan with enough hot vegetable to cover the leaves. Leave in until they turn brown and crispy. Remove from pan and drain off excess oil.


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