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Positive thoughts

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Call it faith or simply positive thinking but there is no doubt that your success depends a great deal on maintaining a positive state of mind. I know this by experience, before I use to think too much about the negative things in my life. Even if I did not complain constantly, it did affect the decisions I made in life. How? You could be wondering. For starters, I used to see why I could not do this or that? And most of the time I would find that I did not have the money, the skills, the time, blah, blah, blah! It was always something.

How did you change your negative thinking habits?

Naturally I am an analytical person which I often call it my best and worst trait. On the good side I am able to identify and find solutions to problems while on the other hand, I have a tendency to overly analyze situations and people at times. One day, I started thinking about my life and what I had expected at a young age. That's when I saw myself and was discontent. Neither, I had accomplished nor was I walking towards my dreams. Why? I was pessimistic about everything. There was always a reason why I could not go to college it was either the time or money. That is when I decided that I was going to enroll and follow thru with my education right at the moment. It took a lot of thinking and planning since my schedule was already full. Soon enough, I found the solutions to my problems and embarked on my journey. I found a couple of Nay Sayers on my way but their opinions did nothing to change my new found positive state of mind. As I embarked on my journey, I started feeling excited and became much more confident. Soon other people around me picked up my positive vibe and were in one way or another inspire by it.

I then promised myself that I would always see the lighter side of things. I do not think: I can't do that, instead I ask myself: how can I? Although I am far from perfect, I do feel like I can accomplish anything that I put my mind to. Just think about it, if I was not able to see life from a positive light neither my website nor this article would exist!

Now! It's your chance, are you a positive or a negative thinker? And most importantly which method of thinking you can benefit the most from?

You decide,

Kenia Morales

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