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Emotional Intelligence

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According to statistical research, emotional competence is twice more important than technical or intellectual skills. Developing emotional intelligence is understanding and managing emotions to create harmonious relationships with others.

Emotional intelligence consists of four elements:

* Better understanding of their emotions
* Managing their emotions effectively which leads to increasing quality of life
* Better understanding of others
* Creating better relationships at all levels with others and increasing productivity and personal image

Components of Emotional Intelligence

1. Self-awareness:

* Determine the strengths and limitations
* Becoming aware of emotions and their effects on behavior and their impact on others
* Analysis of the behavior from an introspective perspective

2. Managing emotions

* Obtain skills to cope effectively with stress and frustration
* Flexibility and willingness to adapt to change

3. Self-image and self-motivation

* Develop a sense of self assessment and confidence in ability to handle requests
* Motivation by internal factors such as need for achievement and personal development needs

4. Social Skills

* Active listening
* Interaction with others feelings
* Preventing negative influences of emotional factors on the ability of listening
* Assertiveness
* Conflict Management

Benefits of Emotional Intelligence: improved motivation, innovation and performance, confidence, leadership and effective management, excellent team work.

Each experience involves an emotional reaction, and to deal with emotions effectively, a person must: observe emotions, feel emotions, bring forward the specific emotion, develop and pursue a new thread of action. Practicing regularly the above you can improve the level of emotional intelligence. Rather than measuring some coefficients, it is useful to identify factors that prevent optimal use of skills that exist and learn how to use these factors effectively. Emotional intelligence has no boundaries, everyone who is ready and would like to improve the level of emotional intelligence can do it.

"The rules for work are changing. We're being judged by a new yardstick: not just how smart we are, or our expertise, but also how well we handle ourselves and each other" - Daniel Goleman

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