Are There Natural Ways to Get Rid of Sweaty Palms
My palms have been sweating for years and I'll try to give you a clear cut overview on what worked for me and what didn't.
I'll also show you how you can get rid of sweaty palms in less then 10 days.
A few years before I actually found something that helped me get rid of sweaty palms I've been prepared to try out anything that seemed reasonable and had the possibility of curing my sweating.
However not one of the "quick fix" type of cures worked for me even though I've been told that natural cures really work with this problem.
After looking into it a bit more I've learned that my sweating was just too severe to be cured with simple herbs and other natural remedies.
This is why I've started doing more research about iontophoresis which seemed as something that could work because I've read numerous reports of people who got completely rid of sweaty palms with it.
At the first look the treatments seemed strange to me because one has to put his palms into water through which a small electrical current passes.
But after learning that you actually don't feel anything I've decided to get one myself.
It didn't take me long to realize devices cost anywhere from 500-1000 dollars which I as student of course couldn't afford.
This put me on pursuit to find a way how to build one myself.
Sure, it took me a few months to learn how exactly are those machines built but once I knew how they work it didn't take me long to build one myself.
I almost couldn't believe it but after just using it for 5 days my palms got completely cured of sweating.
It took me a few minutes to realize that I finally managed to get rid of my sweaty palms and now it's more then a year since I did it and my palms are still 100% dry regardless of how anxious I am.
I'll also show you how you can get rid of sweaty palms in less then 10 days.
A few years before I actually found something that helped me get rid of sweaty palms I've been prepared to try out anything that seemed reasonable and had the possibility of curing my sweating.
However not one of the "quick fix" type of cures worked for me even though I've been told that natural cures really work with this problem.
After looking into it a bit more I've learned that my sweating was just too severe to be cured with simple herbs and other natural remedies.
This is why I've started doing more research about iontophoresis which seemed as something that could work because I've read numerous reports of people who got completely rid of sweaty palms with it.
At the first look the treatments seemed strange to me because one has to put his palms into water through which a small electrical current passes.
But after learning that you actually don't feel anything I've decided to get one myself.
It didn't take me long to realize devices cost anywhere from 500-1000 dollars which I as student of course couldn't afford.
This put me on pursuit to find a way how to build one myself.
Sure, it took me a few months to learn how exactly are those machines built but once I knew how they work it didn't take me long to build one myself.
I almost couldn't believe it but after just using it for 5 days my palms got completely cured of sweating.
It took me a few minutes to realize that I finally managed to get rid of my sweaty palms and now it's more then a year since I did it and my palms are still 100% dry regardless of how anxious I am.