The Power Of Saying "No"
Believe it or not, one of the most powerful and empowering words of the human vocabulary - regardless of language - is the term, No.
It's vibration and force has the ability to halt most actions, and waylay a host of conversations.
Toddlers seem to know this instinctively, soon after they begin forming sentences.
Observe how often they use this term with forcefulness and dedication.
While the term Yes (with the symbolism of a green traffic light) suggest safety, continuance, agreement and commitment - No (representing a red traffic light) denotes peril, discontinuance, disagreement and non-commitment.
In a modern climate of political correctness, where one chooses ''to go along to get along"' - No seems to be too radical, too bold, and too direct to use with it's intended meaning.
Something less confrontive, and more agreeable would be preferred.
It is a good thing to be amicable and accepting, but not at the expense of one's wisdom and self worth.
Boundaries must established and recognized for the purpose of one's integrity and wholeness.
There's a time for Yes, and there's a time for No.
True wisdom is knowing when to say No, and mean it.
It's all a part of knowing (and letting others know) who you are, and what you're standing for.
When used correctly, as a clear declaration of your personal boundaries, it becomes a tool of personal empowerment.
Keeping the above in mind, can you remember the last time that you've taken a stand, and made your position clear?
It's vibration and force has the ability to halt most actions, and waylay a host of conversations.
Toddlers seem to know this instinctively, soon after they begin forming sentences.
Observe how often they use this term with forcefulness and dedication.
While the term Yes (with the symbolism of a green traffic light) suggest safety, continuance, agreement and commitment - No (representing a red traffic light) denotes peril, discontinuance, disagreement and non-commitment.
In a modern climate of political correctness, where one chooses ''to go along to get along"' - No seems to be too radical, too bold, and too direct to use with it's intended meaning.
Something less confrontive, and more agreeable would be preferred.
It is a good thing to be amicable and accepting, but not at the expense of one's wisdom and self worth.
Boundaries must established and recognized for the purpose of one's integrity and wholeness.
There's a time for Yes, and there's a time for No.
True wisdom is knowing when to say No, and mean it.
It's all a part of knowing (and letting others know) who you are, and what you're standing for.
When used correctly, as a clear declaration of your personal boundaries, it becomes a tool of personal empowerment.
Keeping the above in mind, can you remember the last time that you've taken a stand, and made your position clear?