What to Expect When Germans Visit You
While cooking and serving German food in the U.S. you may not feel the need to conform to German etiquette. However, there may be circumstances where you would like to know what is considered normal, such as when a German guest comes over or you are going to visit relatives in Germany. So here are a few guidelines.
If you are receiving German guests in your home:
- Your guests will be punctual. It is good to be ready at the time you invited them.
- Expect a hostess gift of wine or flowers. Wine does not have to be opened for the dinner, but the flowers should be placed in the dining or living room, wherever you are entertaining.
- They will shake hands and greet everyone in the room. If you are friends, the women will kiss (or air-kiss) both cheeks.
- They will expect to hear full names when being introduced and will address the other guests with their title and last name in a formal setting.
- Expect that they will not begin to eat until the hostess picks up her spoon or fork.
- Their left hand will be on the table, this is not impolite.
- They will expect you to offer a toast, which they will return.
- They will say “Guten Appetit” (enjoy your meal) before eating.
- They will finish everything on their plate. They will not ask for seconds, you should offer them, if you want to.
- Your guests will stay after the meal. Germans visit and party for long hours at a time. So if they are staying too long for you, you might want to tell them that Americans have to go to bed early.