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Happiness and Smiling

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What does it take to be happy? What makes you smile? If you saw yourself as others do, would you say you are a happy person? God wants us to be happy.
He wants us to be an example.
How many have seen movies where the Christians were these people who never smiled, never laughed, never sang or ever had any enjoyment of life? The Scots have a word for this type of person, dour.
Who wants to be that person? You? Not me.
In Psalms 68:3, the Bible tells,"But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God;may they be happy and joyful.
" NIV Smiling when you do not feel like smiling can actually improve your mood and make you happier.
Smiling also makes the sun shine brighter, your steps seem lighter and your soul feel freer.
Smiling is also very contagious.
If you smile at someone else, the majority of the time they will smile back.
I like to pass smiles along to as many people as I possibly can.
Why? I want them to wonder why I can smile so freely.
It's easy to smile for I know that Jesus lives and He is living in my heart and soul.
No one can take that away from me.
What else can make you a happier person? Everyone has their own way of cheering themselves up.
Here are several ways that I have found cheer me up and make me a happier and nicer person to be around.
Have you tried these? Take a walk.
Get out of your car, your office, your house and walk.
It doesn't have to be a long walk.
Once around your building at lunch or down to the end of the block and back.
Breathe deeply.
Swing your arms.
March to "Onward Christian Soldiers".
You will come back with a smile and a refreshed mind and attitude.
Help some one.
Collect canned goods and used clothing and donate it to the local homeless shelter.
Volunteer at a shelter or soup kitchen once a week, or once a month.
The help is needed and appreciated.
Better yet, involve the youth of your church and help them learn the meaning of Stewardship.
Clean out your closet and give to someone less fortunate.
One thing that always puts me in a great mood is singing in the car.
I love to sing at the top of my lungs.
I may not be the best singer in the world but God looks at our sincerity.
bible tells us to "make a joyful noise.
" I sing my praise and thanks to God, making up the lyrics as I go along.
The song changes day to day.
I rarely remember what I sang about yesterday, but I know it made me smile.
Don't be shy, belt one out for God.
Look out the window and watch the wind blow(This is not a good idea at work though).
See the branches move and sway.
See the birds flying through the air or scratching along the dirt.
Watch a butterfly dance through the air.
God is good and He made all this for us.
I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do try to think of ways to improve myself.
Last year I decided to make sure I could find a sincere compliment for everyone I interacted with.
I wanted to leave them with a smile.
Now I'll be honest, it wasn't always easy.
Sometimes you had to search for something nice to say, but if you looked and watched closely, there was something.
I felt so much better when my smile was genuinely returned.
Talk to a kid.
I like to tell jokes with my 7 year old nephew.
We have had a banana knock-knock joke running for three years.
I talk to him and he always amazes me at his thinking.
When you really listen to a child, they will always teach you something.
I had to watch hours of popular cartoons, but it was so worth it.
Go to the store or mall and pick out what you would give to all your family and friends if you had unlimited funds.
This is great to do with someone.
You can be silly or serious.
This takes you out of yourself and makes you concentrate on others.
It makes you feel so much happier when you don't dwell on yourself.
This is a just a short list of things you can do.
What would you do? What do you want to do? What have you done? Go.
Get out there.

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