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Why Use Tanning Bed Lotion?

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    Tan Extender

    • A great benefit of tanning bed lotions is that they can extend your tan, giving you the most value for your money.

    Tan Evenly

    • A well-applied tanning bed lotion helps you tan evenly. Tanning bed lotion helps stimulate melanin, which is produced in the skin by darkening pigment and turning into a tan.


    • Indoor tanning bed lotions moisturize skin, and keep it from drying out. Tanning beds cause skin dehyration and tanning lotions condition the skin and help with hydration.

    Skin Aging Prevention

    • Tanning beds have been shown to cause skin to age faster. Using tanning bed lotions will help reduce the effects of tanning beds and slow the skin aging effects.


    • Tanning beds can sometimes cause skin to burn. Applying tanning bed lotions will protect your skin from painful sunburn and damage.


    • Tanning bed lotions are different from outdoor tanning lotions. Avoid regular tanning lotions or baby oil. Only lotions approved for tanning beds should be used.


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