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Keeping a Journal for Your Newborn

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She's brought unparalleled joy to your life, and you want to treasure every precious moment. A newborn journal can help you capture those special memories, especially during that hectic first month.

The first few weeks with a new baby go by so quickly. Busy making transitions and adjustments to your lifestyle, it's not easy to remember all the wonderful memories you'd like to preserve forever. That's why it's important to capture them as you can and journaling makes it possible.

To begin your newborn journal, all you need is some paper, a pen, and your thoughts. Yes, you can actually begin in a notebook, as long as you make sure to get your thoughts down on paper. If you don't do it now, you'll be less likely to remember all the special details you hoped to preserve. There will be time later to transfer what you've written into a keepsake edition of your journal, if you wish.

Make it a point to write in your journal everyday. Even if only for a few moments, record what you think and feel. The more you write, the more you'll want to write. And if you aren't sure just how to get started, try one of these prompts: Three wishes I wish for my baby are...; What I love most about my baby today is...; or My baby loves it when I....

After you gather your thoughts from that first month, you can add some pictures and publish your newborn journal as a keepsake through companies like Cherish Bound ( or Heritage Makers ( A newborn journal published like this is sure to become a treasured family heirloom, not to mention the fact that it can easily be shared with family and friends.

In addition to - or in place of, many families are choosing to share their journals online. You can record your reflections of life with baby at several websites and provide access to family and friends who want to know how baby is doing. Two websites that offer online journaling services are and The site offers a free account to help you capture, preserve, and share your memories and photos online.

Whether online or on paper, your newborn journal will help you capture those treasured first moments to enjoy for years to come.

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