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The Overweight Toddler - Some Useful Tips on Eating and Exercise

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Obesity in toddlers between two and three years of age is not that unusual in our society.
The reasons for this are almost certainly due to a lack of exercise combined with a bad diet.
Diet in Toddlers is very important, and foods which contain 'empty calories' such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate, ice cream and fizzy drinks are not providing the necessary balance of proteins and minerals for a healthy lifestyle.
Let's face it, it is much easier to hand over that chocolate biscuit, than a banana or apple.
Here are some small changes that you can make to initially get your toddler on the right path to fitness.
Cut out sugar.
If you are adding sugar to any foodstuffs, then stop, or cut down gradually over a period of weeks.
Salt also should be minimised if not completely cut out.
If your child likes to snack at certain times of the day, then make sure that the snack you are giving him is either fruit, vegetables or a low-calorie drink, like milk shake or smoothie.
Don't use butter on bread, and never fry any food.
Grilling is a better alternative to frying in fat or oil.
Cut the fat off meat, and try to use white meat more than red.
If your child has an aversion to a type of fruit or vegetable, don't give up, but search for fruit and vegetables that he enjoys.
Try to give your child home prepared food as opposed to anything that is processed.
Most shop bought meals are high both in fat content and calories.
If you are going to give your toddler bread, then make sure that it is brown and not white.
Exercise is very important to your toddler, and even though it is much easier for working parents to sit him down in front of a television, playtime which involves running, jumping, walking and climbing is extremely important.
If you don't have a garden, then utilise your local park.
You should as parents be pro-active in encouraging sports, and playing with friends.
Encouraging good living practices form a very early age will give your child a perfect springboard for the future as he grows up into adulthood.
Diet is related to health, and good food gives you a healthy well balanced child.
Nobody says that it is easy to go down the healthy food road, but as a parent, don't we owe it to our children to give them the best start possible.

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