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Neurosurgery and Risks

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With medical technological advancements and the same being incorporated in India, sophisticated treatments across various surgical disciplines are now a reality. Neurosurgery in India has undergone marvelous changes; thanks to the emergence of qualified specialists and hospitals equipped with all modern treatment facilities facilitating the treatments. Whether it is treating the central nervous system or spinal column diseases or peripheral nervous systems – all related to neuro - these can now be diagnosed in time and Neurosurgery is recommended by doctors as per the intensity of the disease and the treatment. Minimally invasive neurosurgery has gained momentum is recent years.

This is possible with the use of advanced neuroanaesthesia, neuro-imaging system, surgical microscope, ultrasonic surgical aspirator and more. The risks involved with neurosurgery are many. But with the use of such sophisticated technology, the functions of the body are preserved well at the same time reducing pain and avoiding discomfort. A long hospital stay is not required after a minimally invasive neurosurgery.  

Neuro specialists take longer time to get trained than other surgical courses. It takes several years to complete the neurosurgery training course, which may range from ten to fifteen years that includes pre-medical and medical education, surgical internship, neurosurgery residency, and training in the sub-specialties.  

One cannot avoid the risks to neurosurgery. The common risks involved are paralysis, brain damage, infection, psychosis or death. Therefore, it is advisable that the surgery is done in a reputed hospital by trained neurosurgeons. As aforementioned, it is years of training that leads to the making of a neurosurgeon. Apollo Hospitaland other similar renowned hospitals have trained and qualified neurosurgeons for a low-risk or no-risk neurosurgery. Proper and required neuro-imaging tests like CAT, MRI, PET and an all-inclusive physical and psychological examination should be done to reduce the risk factor.

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