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Ground Beef Recipes: Steak Hamburg For An Iron-Rich Meal

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Beef has a high content of B vitamins and iron.
Food scientists believe that beef itself may help you absorb more iron in your grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, notorious for inhibiting iron absorption.
These simple recipes use iron-rich ground beef to make an old-time favorite: Hamburg Steak.
Basic Hamburg Steak For this basic hamburg steak recipe, start with one pound of ground beef.
Add one teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of pepper, and one-half to three-quarter cup water, using as much as the ground beef will absorb.
Shape the beef in one large flat steak and broil on a greased baking pan on a rack under a broiler until half done.
It should take five to ten minutes.
Turn the steak over using a broad spatula and fork and cook on the other side for five to ten minutes.
Remove the steak to a hot serving platter and spread with two tablespoons of butter and garnish with parsley.
Serve with a baked potato and steamed broccoli.
Large Hamburg Steak With Peaches And Bacon Use one pound of ground beef with one tablespoon of chopped parsley, one finely chopped onion, one teaspoon of salt, one-half teaspoon of pepper, and one-half to three-quarter cups of water, using as much as the ground beef will absorb.
Press out the meat mixture in one large flat steak.
On a cutting board, press eight slices of bacon with the dull end of a knife to make them flatter still.
Peel and cut in halves four peaches.
Remove the stones from the peaches and sprinkle with sugar.
Put the bacon, peaches, and ground beef mixture on a baking sheet.
Broil five to ten minutes on one side and then cook on the other.
Remove the meat to a hot platter for serving.
Put the bacon on top and the peaches around the steak, alternating with potato pieces.
Planked Hamburg Steaks Mix together one pound of ground beef with salt and pepper.
Add about one-half cup of water, or as much as the ground beef with absorb.
Shape into eight small cakes and wrap each in a slice of bacon.
Cook in a hot frying pan for six minutes, turning once or twice.
Then stand them on edge and roll them around to cook the bacon fully.
In a warm baking dish, arrange the steaks and surround them with cooked potato pieces, mushrooms, and cherry tomatoes.
Brush the potatoes with egg white.
Place in a 325 degree oven and bake until the potatoes brown.
Serve with a fresh green salad.

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