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Do You Deserve to be Rich?

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In his excellent motivational book, "Success is a Choice", University of Louisville Basketball Coach, Rick Pitino, makes the point that not only is success a choice but that you have to first deserve any success you expect to achieve.
Just wanting to be rich is not enough.
Most of us want to be wealthy.
We dream of the "good life" will sitting in front of the television and watching people who live it.
What we don't see is the years of work most of them put into achieving that life.
That's just not glamourous.
I smile when I hear someone say, "I'd fight Mike Tyson (or whatever other fighter happens to be hot at the moment) for 10 million dollars.
"Nevermind that they'd get their fool couch-potato head knocked off, they are missing the point:The challenger is not getting millions of dollars to just get punched around for a few rounds, he is getting paid for the years of work and hundreds of fights that led up to his getting his chance to step into the ring with the champ.
Now I am not a basketball coach, actor or boxer but I know this:Like them, I need to deserve my success.
I have recently started to concentrate on my internet marketing and I am finding that in order to succeed here, I will need to work hard.
For example, a few weeks ago a respected internet marketing friend of mine approached me with the offer of putting Audio Ads on my websites and blogs.
I was skeptical at first but I decided to look into it.
I liked what I saw and decided that the program was right for my business.
The company also has an affiliate program paying two levels deep.
That's great but I don't have a list.
That's when I decided if I wanted to succeed I had to deserve success.
I started emailing website owners telling them about the opportunity.
I set a goal of 500 emails in January.
I am halfway to the goal and I am having some success.
Will I get rich?Probably not.
But I know that if I do the work, I will succeed because I will deserve to succeed.
If not with this, then at the next thing I try or the one after that.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence, talent will not, the world is full of unsuccessful people with talent.
Genius will not, unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not, the world is full of uneducated derelicts.
Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
" -Anonymous In life the prize of success goes most often to the person who keeps working, gets up one more time than he falls and deserves to win.
Do you deserve success?

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