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Why Healthy Weight Loss Programs Work

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Not all 'healthy weight loss programs' are made equal.
Many such programs claim themselves to be 'healthy' but, quite frankly, most don't deserve to have the word healthy anywhere near them.
Viewed logically, you might ask yourself how depriving your body of any essential nutrient can possibly be healthy? Yes, you might lose weight, but that is only because your body is not getting what it needs.
Even after a short time this will take its toll on your health.
Healthy weight loss programs are those programs which pack in sufficient nutrients to keep your body functioning properly.
Good programs also encourage a moderate amount of exercise which ensures that you burn excess calories and gets you feeling more energetic and in a happier state of well-being.
The Calorie Factor You have probably heard a hundred times the often quoted saying that 'calories out (burned) must exceed calories in (consumed).
That is the only way, they say! The philosophy behind this is that if you take in more calories than you can burn, you are going to put on weight.
On the other hand, if you succeed in burning additional calories than you can consume, you are going to lose weight.
But this is a simplistic model that can cause more problems than it solves.
Let me explain.
We all know how tedious a task counting calories can be.
People may keep it up for a while but then just give up in despair.
They often revert back to consuming what they ate before they started without having learned anything useful about healthy eating.
Then there are people who become such obsessive 'calorie-counters' that they cannot consume anything without knowing its calorie content before they let it anywhere near their mouths.
The problem with this is it encourages people to eat foods which tend to be labelled with the calorie content.
This is of course mainly processed and packaged foods.
They then avoid many foods in their natural state simply because they don't know how many calories they contain.
This does not promote healthy eating either.
The problem with the calorie content of foods is that the measurement is based on an outdated science where foods are burned to an ash to measure the amount of energy released.
However, both you and I know that the body does not burn food to an ash to release its energy.
There are many complex factors which result in energy being released from the food in different amounts.
How well the individual digests it and then metabolises are just two of the factors that will vary from person to person.
In effect, the calorie content of a particular food is a misleading measurement.
The Low-Fat Diet or The Low-Carb Diet Low-fat or low-carb diets are not good examples of healthy weight loss programs.
Your body needs both fats and carbs in balanced proportions.
Many diets tend to create an imbalance which is unhealthy for the body.
These kind of diets are very hard to stick to and simply result in the opposite effect you intended, weight gain.
Exercise An essential component of any healthy weight loss programs is some form of exercise.
Some say that exercise is a dieter's best friend! This is because, the more you exercise, the more calories you expend in energy.
The right kind of exercise can also help you lose weight by improving your resting metabolic rate.
However, do the wrong kind of exercise and you can over-stress the body and make it much harder to lose weight.
If you really want to lose weight, the healthy way, you need a moderate form of exercise than does not cause added stress to the body, no matter what that fad diet tells you! Healthy weight loss programs will not only help you lose weight but, because they are easier to follow long term, they will also help you keep it off.
So if you want to lose weight, do it the healthy way!

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