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Supplement Warehouse: Some Basic Facts Concerning Vitamins

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Vitamins are micronutrients that our bodies require in small quantities. You can purchase a wide variety of them at any supplement warehouse. While some organisms can manufacture their own vitamins this is not the case for people. We receive our vitamin requirements from the foods that we eat or from supplementation. While there are some vitamins that are synthesized by bacteria in the large intestine such as B5 it is not known not known if they are absorbed and used by the human body.

Vitamins perform a vast number of functions in the body. They boost our immune systems and protect us from disease and illness, they help in the growth process, keep us mentally alert and act as catalysts that are essential to chemical reactions in the body. They also aid the body in utilizing the foods that we eat such as fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Because vitamins do not contain calories they do not provide the body with energy. They do however make it possible for us to convert the foods that we eat into energy.

We receive natural vitamins from eating a healthy and nutritious diet. Citrus fruits and milk give us vitamin C, foods such as green leafy vegetables provide us with folic acid and eggs give us Biotin. There are also manufactured vitamins that we use to supplement our diets.

Vitamins are divided into two classes which are based on their solubility. These two classes are referred to as water soluble and fat soluble.

Examples of water soluble vitamins would be vitamin B1 or thiamine, vitamin C referred to as citric acid, B3 (niacin), and vitamin B12 to name a few. This class of vitamins is not stored by the body. Any excess is quickly eliminated in the urine. For this reason we need to constantly replace these vitamins either by diet or supplementation. Because these are flushed out of our body toxicity is usually not a problem. While you will see mega doses of this class of vitamins being advertised by some, a word of caution is advised. These doses can have side effects and in rare cases can be fatal. If you are considering this it is advisable that you proceed under the advice of an expert.

Fat soluble vitamins on the other hand are stored by our organs and tissues. These would include vitamins A, D, E and K. Because these are stored they can reach toxic levels in the body causing severe medical problems. This is why it is always best to consult a professional before starting any supplementation program.

Vitamin deficiencies have been associated with many diseases. Because the same vitamin may be used in the body for many different processes deficiency in a single vitamin can be serious and even fatal. Long term deficiencies have been associated with serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes. These are some of the diseases which pose the biggest health concerns in our society today.

With proper nutrition and supplementation vitamin deficiency is easily avoidable. The best way to get all the vitamins we require is through diet. Sometimes this is easier said that done. Deficiencies happen for a number of different reasons. A person may not be eating the right types of foods, may have a medical or even a physical condition or may not be eating enough of the right foods. In these cases supplementation becomes very important.

For some groups of people supplementation is not a choice but a necessity. Some examples would be:

* The elderly who may have absorption problems.
* Post menopausal women.
* If you are on a low calorie diet.
* Smokers
* Alcoholics
* If you are pregnant or trying to get pregnant.

People who fall into any of these categories should discuss supplementation with their primary care providers.

With the limitless choice of supplements on the market today there are several important factors to consider in choosing the right one.

Make sure you choose a vitamin that was manufactured from the food chain. Some vitamins are manufactured from sources such as algae which is not normally eaten and therefore not easily incorporated into the body.

Multivitamins will give you recommended daily dosages of a number of different nutrients. This is better than having mega doses of only a few vitamins.

Be aware of expiration date and always store them in a cool dry place. Buy a months supply at a time as you can always purchase more when needed. You also need to keep them out of the reach of children and sunlight.

It is important that you should always consult your physician before starting a supplementation program. This is even more critical if you have a previous health condition or are taking other medications.

In conclusion, by having a good understanding of the types of vitamins, what the body uses them for, how to avoid deficiencies and what to look for when purchasing them you can be well on your way to good health.

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