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Toenail Fungus - Cure, Causes, and Symptoms

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Onychomycosis, or nail fungus, affects about six to eight percent of the adult population.
Also known as "ringworm of the nail" this condition is a fungal infection of the nail.
Onychomycosis can affect the nails on either the finger toes but toenail infections are much more common.
Onychomycosis affects about six to 8 percent of the adult population.
Symptoms The visual symptoms of toenail infection are:
  • The nail plate is yellowed, appears cloudy, or is thickened
  • The nails are rough and will crumble easily
  • The nails can separate from the nail bed
Fortunately, except in very severe cases, there is no physical pain associated with Onychomycosis.
Causes Toenail fungus is caused by "dermatophytes", which are the fungi that are most often responsible for infected toenail.
In other causes the condition can be caused by some yeasts and moulds.
Infection happens when these fungi work their way in between the nail and the nail bed.
Treatment This location is both perfect for the dermatophyte fungi to grow in and also almost impossible to get to in order to treat the infected area.
Because of this difficulty, it may take up to a year to completely eradicate all symptoms.
As is the case in most things, prevention is the best cure.
The best way to avoid thickened and yellow toenail is to keep your nails clean and dry in the first place.
There are several methods of treatment available with the most effective being a solution that is applied directly to the infected toenail.

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