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Batman Coloring Pages

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One of the most popular and enduring subjects for coloring pages is the superhero known as Batman.
Young boys always seem to enjoy working on Batman pages.
Maybe its because he is just seen as cool, or maybe it is because he is a human hero with a load of cool gadgets.
It seems that Batmans popularity will never stop.
With several recent high quality and respected movies he really appeals to males of all ages.
He's a great subject for dads to sit and work on with their sons.
Every generation knows the hero and can talk about him.
Here's a tip, why not ask your child to make up a story about what is happening in the picture, maybe just before or after the scene that is shown.
Or why not ask your child to add in extra characters or even the batmobile.
Don't feel you are done once the character is colored in, why not use it as a starting point for elaboration? Batman cartoons are great, and they always seem to be on.
There have been many of them over the last few decades.
Best of all, every time they bring out a new one they seem to tweak the formula and keep things fresh.
For example in the latest version called "Batman - The Brave and the Bold", Batman is a little less serious, while in previous versions of Batman cartoons he is seem as a very stern and serious figure.
But best of all, there is a wide supporting BatFamily, so even if your child isn't big into Batman, there are other cool characters like Robin, BatGirl, Nightwing and the toys like the Batmobile, Batcopter etc.
There is really always something for everyone when looking into Batman Coloring Pages.
Batman is a positive role model and with his desire to fight crime and do the right thing, he is certainly a great choice for Coloring Pages and a hero that people of all ages can relate to.

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