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How to Make Freezer Jam With Agave

104 38

    Making the Jam

    • 1). Crush and/or mash the fruit with a blender or potato masher. No big pieces of fruit should remain.

    • 2). Mix the fruit and agave syrup in a bowl.

    • 3). Mix the water and pectin in a saucepan and boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly.

    • 4). Add the pectin mixture to the fruit and mix well, stirring for a few minutes.

    Jarring the jam

    • 1). Pour the fruit mix into jars to within ¼-inch of the top.

    • 2). Put the lids on the jars.

    • 3). Let the jars stand at room temperature until cooled and jam is set.

    • 4). Freeze the jars. Jam can be frozen for up to a year.


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