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Essential Asian Cooking Ingredients

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    Rice Wine Vinegar

    • While in other parts of the world vinegars are made from grapes, rice wine vinegar is made from rice and other grains. The mild-flavored vinegar is used in marinades and Asian noodles, and it gives soups a tangy flavor. It is a less acidic product than other vinegars and is available in both sweetened and plain varieties. This light vinegar is also useful for making vinaigrette salad dressings.

    Sesame Oil

    • Japanese cooks blend this thick, amber-hued oil with others to fry tempura, while Koreans pan-fry with it. Sesame oil is high in antioxidants and adds a toasted flavoring to foods. However, when refined sesame oil is heated it loses much of its flavor. Use unrefined sesame oil in high heat applications like frying or toasting for stir fries, Asian sauces and dips. The oil preserves longer when kept in a glass bottle in a cool, dark pantry.

    Fish Sauce

    • Thai and Southeast Asian cuisine relies heavily on the use of fish sauce. The sauce is made by packing fish in barrels, covering them with brine and letting them ferment in the sun for several months. The brown liquid that accumulates is then drained and bottled. Fish sauce smells less like fish and more like cheese, but the aroma is stronger than the taste. It is high in essential amino acids and vitamin B12.

    Soy Sauce

    • Soy sauce has flavored Chinese cuisine for thousands of years.Photodisc/Valueline/Getty Images

      This all-purpose seasoning or condiment was invented by the Chinese more than 2,500 years ago when they used fermented soybean paste to preserve and flavor their foods. Today, the salty, brown sauce is used in a variety of dishes from cabbage salads to poached fish. It is made from soybeans and koji, which begins the fermentation process. Sea salt brine is added to the soybean mix after it has aged for three to five days.


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