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Malignant Melanoma

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A melanoma is a cancerous tumor that starts in melanin-generating cells (color-giving pigment).
Once thought of as a rare disease, the yearly frequency of melanoma has increased noticeably.
Extreme exposure to sun is one major reason for contracting this disease.
People who regularly expose themselves to the sun during peak mid-day hours, without adequate protection, are at a greater risk of getting melanoma.
Exposure to the sun at a younger age puts you at risk throughout your lifetime.
Melanoma normally occurs on parts of the body receiving irregular sun exposure.
This condition generally affects fair-skinned people.
Not surprisingly, people from regions having sunny climates have greater chances of being affected by this disease.
However, sun exposure is not the sole way of developing this form of skin cancer; it can be genetic as well.
Some people have a specific type of skin that engenders moles susceptible to the disease.
Also, melanomas can occur on the areas of the body that get little or no sun exposure.
Dysplastic nevus syndrome, commonly called atypical mole syndrome, rarely affects the Caucasian population.
There are two known forms of atypical mole syndrome.
One is a hereditary atypical mole; the other is called melanoma syndrome.
In the first case, members of a family will spot vast numbers of moles on their bodies.
In the second instance, someone may just happen to have a lot of moles over his body, without it being a familial trait.
Generally, people do not get moles after the age of thirty; also, it is common for moles to fade away with age.
When children about the age of five have moles on the hip, buttock or scalp, it should be seen as a warning indication.
It is highly uncommon for a child to get skin cancer, yet some children have been fatally affected by it.
Young people can be seriously affected by this form of cancer if not diagnosed and treated early.

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