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How to Gently Cleanse Your Liver

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    • 1). Drinking a cup of hot water with lemon first thing in the morning can help to cleanse the liver, provide it with raw materials, and improve blood flow. The juice of ¼ - ½ a lemon once a day is all that is needed. Too much lemon can have powerful and unpleasant effects. But a small amount daily is considered safe and mild enough that it is recommended even for pregnant women.

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      chamomile tea

      Chamomile tea. Chamomile helps improve digestion by stimulating gastric juices, and appears to enhance immune function as well as aiding in the regeneration of liver tissues. Chamomile is considered by some herbalists to be both one of the safest and one of the most effective liver cleansers, but it does its work slowly over time, so consistency is important. A cup of chamomile tea at night is the perfect way to relax, unwind, and help your liver at the same time.

    • 3). Red clover tea. Red clover tea is less common than chamomile, but is also a gentle liver cleanser. It acts as a blood purifier, which helps reduce the load on the liver. It also helps by stimulating the production of bile which helps detoxify the liver.

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      Turmeric. In both Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is considered a liver cleanser and digestive enhancer. It is also considered beneficial in protecting the body from toxins and microbes, which reduces the work the liver has to do. It is rich in curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. The benefits of turmeric are believed to be magnified when it is used with green tea due to a synergistic effect.

    • 5). There are many food that help support liver function, including greens (such as kale and collard greens), parsley, carrots, beets, and sulfur-rich vegetables like broccoli, caulilower, cabbage, onions and garlic.
      Eating a low fat diet and reducing sugar and alcohol will also help reduce the liver's burden.

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      spinal twist

      Yoga will help clean out the liver and improve circulation. Most yoga poses stretch or twist the body, which help to squeeze the liver and bring in fresh blood supply, aiding in detoxification. Gentle twists can be especially beneficial. A long practice is not necessary. A few poses a day can be very helpful.

    • 7). Try not to eat late at night. That's the natural time for your liver to rest, regenerate and heal, which it can't do if it's processing a load of food.


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