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The First Step towards Fitness

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At this time of year many people are thinking more about the excesses of Christmas than the quest for the body beautiful, but when a new year starts it is often the time to start thinking about getting in shape. Whether you are a fitness fanatic all year round, or whether you are going to make €fitness' one of your resolutions for the new year, one of the most important decisions to make is how and where you are going go to get your lungs, heart and muscles working.

If you are looking for places that offer the best facilities for fitness in Oxford, then you are in luck, as there are many to choose from. There are gyms and fitness studios in the city, but if you look slightly further afield then you will find a much more varied selection. There is no need to be confined to just a gym when there are health suites and fitness studios that offer a much wider range of activities and also much more picturesque settings.

Choosing a fitness centre out of town can open up a much more varied range of sports and fitness classes, and also means that you can benefit from many other facilities to help you unwind after a strenuous session of training.

If you want somewhere for fitness in Oxford that offers much more than running machines and weights, then you might try one of the golf clubs, for instance, Witney Lakes that has a well equipped health suite and fitness centre. The beauty of this is that they are often set in attractive locations, with open spaces to not only play golf but also to relax and unwind. Some also have swimming pools, saunas and steam rooms, as well as gyms and fitness suites that have all the latest equipment to help you get the most out of every minute of your training sessions.

If you find a venue that has a fitness and aerobics studio, the chances are that there are also classes on offer. Training on your own on fitness machines can be excellent, as you can tailor your fitness programme to suit your own specific needs, but exercising as part of a group in a class setting can help to push your fitness training that little bit further.

Fitness classes like Pilates have become extremely popular in recent years, as they work not only on strength and fitness, but also on flexibility. Working with an instructor in these classes means that you get useful advice on how to perform the exercises in the most effective way. An instructor can also see what your limits and capabilities are, and will help you to find the optimum level of exercise for your body.

Another kind of class that is proving popular is Zumba - a dance class that is specifically designed to keep you fit as well as being lots of fun. Dancing in a group brings a new dimension to the exercise, and you improve your fitness almost without realising that you are exercising.

The opportunities for fitness in Oxford are many and varied, so it pays to consider more of the options than just the local gym. Look a little further afield and you will find venues that offer much more in the way of fitness training, classes and facilities.


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