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How do you feel every morning?

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How do you feel each morning when you hear the alarm clock? Does that sound fill you with dread as you drag yourself out of bed, or do you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you?  What thoughts run through your mind as you prepare for a new day?

How we feel and what we think about our day ahead can really effect how in fact the day will actually turn out.

If we begin each morning dreading what the day will hold, we will unconsciously creating an affirmation or a statement of what we want. Those affirmations then become our reality.

For example, if you get up in the morning and the first thing you do is trip over your slippers or poke your mascara wand in your eye, you will probably start to think ‘this is going to be a rotten day'.

This starts to create a negative pattern of thought. The more you then focus on how 'bad' your day is going, the chances are, more things will probably go wrong and you may lose any opportunity to experience any positives in your day. Then, you may actually make your day worse and by the end of it, you may end up affirming, ‘this was a horrible day and everything I did just went wrong!'

Then, if this wasn't bad enough, if you continue to bombard yourself with negative ways of thinking, you will begin to believe negative things about yourself and your behavior will follow accordingly.

Negative thoughts, lead to negative expectations, lead to negative outcomes!

However, had you believed the day was going to be totally scrumptious, and you jumped out of bed filled with glee and excitement, you would have used the power of your own thought to make it that way.

Chances are, you would feel more positive about your day and your day would be filled with positive experiences. You may end up thinking it was one of the best days of your life!

Whether you believe in the power of affirmations or not, they are already operating in your life.  That is why it is so important to understand and use them to your advantage.  The process of consciously transforming your thoughts, through the use of positive affirmations is the first step in changing your external world.

Positive thoughts, lead to positive expectation, lead to positive outcomes!

 Try these affirmations to start your day with a bang!
  •  This is going to be a great day
  • Everything in my day goes wonderfully
  • I have a fabulous day at work and complete all my tasks easily
  • I have a fabulous job interview
  • My day is filled with love and happiness
  • Everyone I meet today is happy and loving

Another useful trick to start your day on a positive note is to take 2-3 minutes each morning, visualising the ideal outcome of your day. Don't worry if you feel this is too difficult, just try and relax into it and run a little movie in your mind of how you wish you day to be.  If you have a difficult meeting or task to do, imagine the perfect outcome to your situation and also how you will look and feel after you have completed the task. Visualisation is very powerful and you can really make a difference to your day by taking a few minutes each morning to complete this task.

Have some fun with visualisation! Try visualising some of the following and see what happens:

1)  You get a ‘ rock star' car parking space

2)  Your train / bus is running perfectly on time and you get a great seat

3)  You receive that phone call you have been waiting for

4)  You bump into an old friend who you have lost contact with


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