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How Using a Porn Blocker May Keep Your Children Safe Online

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The internet is the modern day parent's biggest challenge.
We can't totally restrict access to the internet for our children, even if we wanted to, because they need it to do homework and chat with friends and it's also an integral part of our society.
But we can do something to stop our children being exposed to pornography online by using what is called a 'porn blocker'.
I probably don't need to tell you the harmful effects that exposure to porn may have on a child.
Studies show that children who frequently watch pornographic content is 5 times more likely to get an STD or act out sexually in ways that can deliver them into the hands of sexual predators.
Porn addiction is also a serious issue, where the addict becomes unable to separate reality from fantasy and develops very unhealthy views on sex.
You are doing the right thing by looking for a solution to block porn from your computer.
Porn blockers work by restricting access to files and websites that have pornographic content on them.
Most free versions requires you to do the hardwork and block any site.
This becomes almost impossible to do, because there are just so many porn sites out there, probably more than half the internet.
What you can do though, is to get a paid service that draws on an updated huge database of images, websites and files to block automatically.
This is by far the best solution for parents who want to keep their children safe.

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