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Procrastination - What Is It

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Procrastination is often thought of or referred to as just a longer word for people who are lazy. Its a much less judgmental term, and seems to imply a sort of reason as to why people aren't doing the things they should be doing. There is an air of obviousness about it that still carries a degree of judgment about it. Its the judgment actually that is the real killer here. If people feel judged, however self righteous the other person is, then immediately the other person will feel defensive ad block any sense of listening to the other person and whether or not they have a point about change etc. giving someone the freedom to be who they are and change if they want to or not change if they don't want to is a pretty core freedom. Its one that is challenged a lot in society because people often see giving other people freedom as a risk, and one they're not willing to take. The alternative is the other person will take control or try to take control of that persons life, either at a direct level or through some mechanism, or through some other person. Often the taking of control of someone else will be presented as an act of kindness or necessity for the other persons own good. It never really is, if one can generalize that much.It is virtually always a response to a request for freedom or a block to the risk of someone really exercising their right or freedom to be themselves - and that includes them having the right or freedom to be lazy, or to procrastinate, if you prefer!
Its really important to understand what procrastination is, and not just to think of yourself as lazy, which isn't true and only serves to make your problems worse by increasing the judgment that is already there

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