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What to Pack in Your Tween"s Carry on Bag

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If your tween will travel by air at some point in the future, you may want to consider the items to pack in his or her carry on bag. It doesn't matter if your child is headed on a family vacation, or on a trip to visit relatives, tweens need a distraction or two, especially on long flights, or if a flight is delayed. Be sure you don't overload your child's carry on bag, unless of course, you want to carry it around the airport.

It's also a good idea to check with the airline ahead of time, to make sure you don't pack any items that aren't allowed on planes, and will likely be confiscated by security.
Below are a few items you may want to consider putting in your child's carry on bag.

What to Pack in Your Tween's Carry On Bag

  • Ipod (fully charged)
  • Portable DVD player (fully charged)
  • DVDs
  • Nintendo DS or DSi (fully charged)
  • Digital camera
  • Chapstick
  • A small snack
  • A notebook and pen or pencil
  • Deck of cards
  • Colored pencils
  • Magazine
  • A change of clothes and underwear
  • Travel game or a small magnetic game
  • Magic 8 Ball
  • Toothbrush and travel-size toothpaste
  • Stickers
  • Gum or mints
  • Small piece of fruit
  • A book
  • Suduku or a crossword puzzle book
  • Retainer or bands (if your child needs them for braces)
  • Small contact lenses case (if you child wears them)
  • Eyeglasses (if your child wears them)
  • Sunglasses
  • Other Concerns Regarding Your Tween's Carry On Bag

  • Be sure the bag doesn't exceed 45 inches (length + width + height)
  • Liquids may not pass through security, so pack shampoo and other liquid products in checked baggage
  • Source...

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