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Resveratrol and Prostate Cancer - Is There a Connection?

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Numerous studies have been conducted concerning Resveratrol and prostate cancer, as well as other forms of the disease.
The results have all been encouraging.
But to date, major health organizations will not confirm the Resveratrol prostate cancer prevention connection.
It's doubtful that they ever will.
Alternative practitioners are already supporting the use of this and other natural antioxidants, not only to prevent cancers, but to treat them.
The reason that a general practitioner would not prescribe this type of treatment is understandable.
They must follow the treatment protocols that are accepted by the mainstream medical community or they face lawsuits and disbarment.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, they say.
Those of us who want to prevent life threatening diseases are doing all that we can in that direction.
A healthy diet and regular physical activity are of utmost importance.
No one will dispute that fact.
We know that the results of the Resveratrol and prostate cancer studies have been positive.
It has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
It is important to know that other antioxidants and phytochemicals are also important.
Every plant in the world contains a variety of unique compounds.
As a group, we call them phytochemicals.
One study concerning Resveratrol prostate cancer treatment and prevention combined the antioxidant with other phytochemicals found in the skins of muscadine grapes.
They called it muscadine grape skin extract or MSKE for short.
They did this because the Resveratrol prostate cancer studies found that the antioxidant acted on specific bio-chemical pathways.
They concluded that it did not trigger the death of the cell, but did inhibit the growth of the tumor.
The phytochemicals in MSKE, on the other hand, triggered the death of the cancer cell.
In other Resveratrol and prostate cancer studies, the researchers concluded that the antioxidant did trigger the death of cancer cells, but prevented healthy cells from dying as a result of exposure to toxins or free radicals.
As you can see, the results are not yet in as to exactly how this antioxidant works.
My suggestion is this: If you want the Resveratrol prostate cancer prevention, without drinking a liter of red wine every day, take a dietary supplement that contains it.
Be sure that it includes other phytochemicals, such as grape seed extract, which contains the same phytochemicals found in the skin and used in the above mentioned study.
You should also look for one that contains saw palmetto and red clover, both of which support the prostate's health.
In order to get the most from Resveratrol and prostate cancer prevention provided by it, be sure that the supplement has an enteric coating to protect it from stomach acid.
Keep watching for more Resveratrol prostate cancer news and learn about other interesting phytochemicals.
If you want to learn more about Resveratrol and prostate cancer treatment, I suggest that you seek the advice of a doctor of naturopathic medicine.
You should be able to find one in your area.
If your goal is prevention, choose a good multi-nutritional supplement and take it every day.

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