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Parenting And Disciplining Kids Requires Self Discipline And Dedication

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A lot of how we parent is natural instinct and what we have learned from other's examples. Some of it is what we learn as we go and adaption to the situations and learning from experience. And some of it is knowledge learned, training, and advice.

Good parenting is something that we practice and even try to perfect. There is a plethora of information and advice on how to be a skilled parent. There is a lot of great and helpful advice, quick fix techniques, and behavior transformation tutorials. Of course, these things can be extremely effective, but each child, family, and situation is unique. It's best to know your situation and take only what information your unique situation needs. The people sharing their knowledge and wisdom on the subject have their own beliefs and views on what works or does not work, just as we do.

We must remember the reason that we study the subject and try to do the best job that we can as parents, is out of love for our children. It is done with a dedicated spirit.

We teach our kids to be well behaved and disciplined. We teach them to be honest and trust worthy. We teach them many things to help them be healthy, happy, and productive now and into the future. We use discipline to ensure all of these things and more for our children.

We must remember that we can lead more by our example than by what we say or instruct. That's why it's important to be our best as individuals and to be true to ourselves. When we are genuine and positive, calm and strong, we are at our best. Our children will see this. When we are frustrated and negative, out of control and careless, we are at our worst. Our children will see this. They will learn how we handle adversity. If we want our kids to be well disciplined, we must be self disciplined. In addition, we should expect the same from ourselves, if not more. If we want our kids to be dedicated to the positive things that they do, we must be dedicated to the important things that we do. Dedicated to the lives of our children and the ever so important cause of raising our children.

See more very helpful parenting articles at

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