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Life-Force Energy - The Role of Food and Diet in Reiki

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The role of food and diet in Reiki is very important to follow if you want to have a successful Reiki attunement session.
Everything we eat or drink contains life-force energy.
If you have a diet that is high in life-force energy, your session will benefit you to the fullest.
Foods that are alive, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods, and freshly squeezed juices, have the highest amount of life-force energy.
Foods that are dried, frozen, or canned have no life-force energy.
If you add more life-force energy to your diet, you will notice a positive difference in your energy and mood levels after a Reiki attunement session.
Since I have been practicing Reiki, my diet has changed significantly.
I have shortened my intake of foods such as sugar, caffeine, and red meat.
Being that I have only shortened these out of my diet, I haven't experienced any kind of cravings or headaches which are normally associated with dietary changes.
Exercise also can affect a Reiki attunement session.
Any kind of exercise that gets you breathing in and out deeply will enlarge your energy points by the increase of oxygen flow.
This makes it easier for the replacement of good energy.
In addition, yoga movements increase the flow of life-force energy through your body as well as increase the affects of a Reiki attunement session.
When you follow these simple rules, not only will your attunement session be more effective, but your overall health will also improve dramatically.

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