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Discover the Secret to Removing Brown Age Spots Without Using Hydroquinone Or Alphahydroxy Acid

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Are you battling with the unsightly brown age spots that have made your skin their residence? If your answer is yes, you don't need to worry any more because I am going to reveal to you the secret ingredient that effectively removes those ugly age spots and even prevents new ones from occurring without any of the harmful side effects associated with hydroquinone and alphahydroxy acid.
Yes most of the brown pigmentation removers on the market contain either hydroquinone or alphahydroxy acid; however, the bitter truth is that these two chemicals are very harmful to both your skin and your entire system.
It is important to note that anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your bloodstream; hence if the substance is toxic, that means your are poisoning your system.
If you were like me you would want to stay away from any product that contains harmful chemicals no matter their 'acclaimed' benefits.
Studies have shown that hydroquinone and alphahydroxy cause skin irritation, inflammation and redness; they also make your skin more photosensitive, and thus more prone to sun damage.
"So how do I get rid of my brown age spots without these two supposedly 'effective' ingredients?" you may be asking.
Well it is by using skin care products that contain natural ingredients proven to be effective on skin pigments and yet safe on your skin.
I discovered one of such ingredients during my research and it is called extrapone nutgrass.
Brown age spots occur as a result of the accumulation of melanin due to over exposure to the sun over a period of time.
Hence extrapone nutgrass fights brown spots by inhibiting the production of melanin.
Studies show that it inhibits melanin by over 41% when used in a 0.
5% concentration.
One interesting attribute of this whitening agent is, while other whitening agents like hydroquinone and alphahydroxy acid irritate your skin, nutgrass actually prevents skin irritation.
This is because it was first developed as an anti-irritant before its lightening properties were discovered.
Thus, nutgrass helps to remove your brown age spots in a gentle but sure manner without any harmful effect on your body.
Studies also show that using a cream that contains this ingredient and others such as cynergy TK, nano-lipobelle HEQ10 and phytessese wakame will remove existing any existing pigmentation; they will also prevent the formation of new ones thereby help to make your skin smooth, beautiful and younger.
Now that you know the secret to removing and preventing brown age spots, you can now make an informed buying decisions.
Visit my website to learn more about natural skin care ingredients that will help make your skin look radiant and younger.

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