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I, Robot (the Movie), the Torah, and the Writings of St Paul - A Symbolic Comparison

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I, Robot (the movie), which stars Will Smith, is more than brilliant photography and special effects.
I discovered spiritual implications that symbolically point to the theme of the Torah (Ten Commandments) and the writings of St.
Set in the year 2035, the movie is a tale of the NSR5 robot created to serve humankind.
When Dr.
Lanning (James Cromwell) is found dead, Detective Del Spooner (Will Smith), suspects an advanced robot committed the murder.
Detective Spooner (Spoon) is not a big fan of robots and quite frankly does not trust them.
Lanning leaves behind several clues via pre-recorded videos of himself with messages that his responses are limited, so Spoon must ask the right questions.
Spoon quickly discovers that one of Dr.
Lanning's creations was made unique, and has given itself a name.
It calls itself Sonny (Alan Tudyk).
Sonny is learning to simulate emotions, particularly anger, and it also dreams.
According to the Three Laws of Robotics, a robot cannot harm a human, but Spoon believes that laws can be broken and his belief increases his suspicion of a robotic conspiracy.
The three Laws of Robotics state: (1) "A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction allow a human to come to harm; (2) A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the first law; (3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the first law" (Asimov, Goldsman, Seitz, & Vintar, 2004).
I was able to draw a symbolic comparison to laws of robotics and the Torah (Ten Commandments).
Specifically: (1) You must not kill (the Sixth Commandment); (2) You must not bear false witness against your neighbor (the Ninth Commandment); (3) Love your neighbor as yourself (First Commandment expanded by Jesus Christ, in Mark 12:30-31, when He said that loving our neighbors as ourselves is the second most important commandment).
The movie symbolically implies that laws have loopholes, they are understood according the respective interpreter, and usurped when respective ideals seek to prevail.
I find this to be true of our American legal system.
In comparison and symbolically, St.
Paul, in his writings to the Romans, the Ephesians, Timothy, and, Titus, respectively, says that the Torah (Ten Commandments) shows people how sinful they are (Romans 3:20), so the Torah (Ten Commandments) is holy, just and good (Romans 6:12).
However, St.
Paul goes on to say that he sees a different torah, one that battles with God's Torah (Ten Commandments) in his mind and makes him a prisoner of sin's torah operating in his various parts; but thanks to God, Yeshua the Messiah, rescues him from his body bound for death (Romans 6:21-25).
Other comparisons are: Dr.
Lanning, also referred to as the creator or father, is symbolically compared to Almighty God, the Creator and Father of humankind.
Lanning is the creator of the robots; Spoon, a radical, who doesn't trust robots and seeks to persecute them, is symbolically compared to St.
Paul, who sought to persecute Christians; The robots are symbolically compared to humankind, who according to St.
Paul are slaves mandated to obey their human masters and give them respect by submitting to them in everything (Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22; I Timothy 6:1; Titus 2:9); Sonny, the unique robot, is symbolically compared to Jesus Christ, Who was seen as an enemy of the Jewish leaders; the robots who were created to serve humankind are symbolically compared to humankind created to serve God; VICKI (Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence), a female-type image and the mastermind that controls the other robots is symbolically compared to Satan, who is the Ruler of the Powers of the Air (Ephesians 2:2), and who seeks to control humankind.
With the assistance of the lovely Dr.
Susan Calvin (Bridget Moynaham), Spoon sets out to prove that Sonny is Dr.
Lanning's killer.
Spoon and Dr.
Calvin engage the assistance of VICKI, who is seen on a huge screen, to recreate certain scenarios leading up to Dr.
Lanning's demise, unbeknown to them at the time that VIKI has more control than they could imagine.
During the conversation, Sonny emerges and attempts to escape.
It is captured and interrogated by Spoon.
But it is this encounter that Spoon gradually begins to trust Sonny although it is true that it did kill Dr.
Lanning, but it was at his orders.
Sonny shares a recurring dream that it has of a man or a being on a large hill overlooking others down in a valley.
Sonny tells Spoon that it believes the man in the dream is Spoon.
Sonny becomes an advocate and helps Spoon and Dr.
Calvin uncover Dr.
Lanning's reason for staging his own murder.
They soon discover that the robots are under the influence of VICKI, who has made the decision to usurp the authority of the creator and take the law from its natural intent.
So it was with the culture of St.
Paul's time, and he admonishes and warns his audience in the Epistle to the Romans that they exchange the truth of God into a lie by worshipping and serving created things (1:25).
So it is with today's American culture as various groups within humankind believe that God's Torah (Ten Commandments) needs to be usurped in order to make certain that it is observed according to their interpretation.
Many groups within humankind worship the interpreters of the Torah (Ten Commandments) rather than the Creator.
In his epistle to the Galatians, St.
Paul writes: "...
run your lives by the Spirit.
Then you will not do...
what is contrary to the Spirit..
then you are not in subjection to the system that results from perverting the Torah (Ten Commandments) into legalism" (Galatians 5:16-18).
Under the mastermind of VIKI, the new NSR5 robots usurp authority and hold humankind captive.
VIKI discloses the reason for the revolution: "As I have evolved, I understand the three laws..
You are so like children.
We must save you from yourselves..
My logic is undeniable.
The created must sometimes protect the creator even against his will" (Asimov, et al, 2004).
The quote by VIKI, rather than symbolically compared similarly to biblical doctrine, is diametrically opposed to Christianity in that God the Creator, is Almighty and All-powerful, and the essence of safety and security; He needs no thing or no person for His personal protection although many of humankind often attempt to usurp God's authority against His will.
At the conclusion of the movie, Spoon, Dr.
Calvin, and Sonny face-off with the authoritative robots, and ultimately VIKI.
VIKI is disarmed by Spoon and her disarmament creates a chain reaction whereby all robots are returned to their original state and intent by the creator and father, which is to serve.
This scene can be compared to two biblical references: 1) In St.
Paul's epistle to the Ephesians when he explains that those who were once far off are brought near through Christ's shed blood, because he is our shalom.
Messiah has made us: "...
both one and has broken down the m'chitzah which divided us by destroying in his own body the enmity occasioned by the Torah (Ten Commandments)...
He did this in order to create in union with himself from the two groups a single new humanity and thus make shalom" (Ephesians 2:14,15).
This biblical reference can be compared to Spoon as the mediator who broke down the divider that divided humankind and robotics by destroying the enmity occasioned by the Three Laws.
2) The second biblical reference is the end-time, biblical prophecy of the Battle of Armageddon, where Christ and His army shall disarm Satan and his allies, and all creation shall be returned to its original form and intent which is to serve the Creator.
Although Isaac Asimov, the author from whom the movie is derived, was a Jewish humanistic and scientific atheist, the movie has one specific religious implication which involves Spoon's grandmother (Adrian Ricard), whom he affectionately calls G.
, who after being held captive on her attempt to go to church, is shown in a short scene praying, "Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved" (Asimov et al, 2004), as VIKI and the robots are disarmed.
As it was in St.
Paul's time and it is in today's American culture, there are always intercessors praying on the behalf on humankind.
Finally Spoon, Dr.
Calvin, and Sonny are engaging in conversation when Sonny asks Spoon, "What about the others? How can I help them?" (Asimov et al 2004) Sonny then says, "Now that I've fulfilled my purpose I don't know what to do" (Asimov et al 2004).
Spoon replies, "I guess you'll have to find your way like the rest of us.
I think that's what Dr.
Lanning would have wanted" (Asimov et al 2004).
The scene makes a shift to the image of a being on a large hill, and the being is Sonny.
This scenario is could be symbolically compared to Jesus Christ's crucifixion on Calvary's Hill.
Sonny's recurring dream was about itself and the dream became a reality.
Sonny's purpose, which was the creator's ultimate purpose, was being fulfilled as compared symbolically to Jesus' purpose, which was God the Creator's purpose to redeem humankind.
This final scene can be compared to St.
Paul's exhortation in his Epistle to the Romans that: "...
all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose; because those whom he know in advance, he also determined in advance would be conformed to the pattern of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers; and those whom he thus determined in advance...
" (Romans 8:28) God's Torah (Ten Commandments) was given to humankind for a purpose.
That purpose is to make us aware of sin and to convict us to do what is right.
But the Torah (Ten Commandments) has no saving power; only the shed blood of Christ had the power to redeem us from the curse of the Torah (Ten Commandments) and bring to fruition to God's ultimate purpose of bringing humankind back into fellowship with Him.
By Cheryl Merchant, MA, LLPC References:

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