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Chronic back pain - an overview

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Chronic back pain (CBP) has become a nuisance for a large section of human population due to relief options that remain ineffective in one way or the other. Even applying latest treatment for curing chronic back pain hasn't yielded positive results in many cases. Most patients are not aware enough regarding the back treatment that will be best suited for their particular grievance. Here the need of the hour is to research and educate individuals in bringing out measures for curing the menace of chronic back pain. Many surveys and policies have been promulgated from time to time to work out the best remedial steps for back pain treatment. North American Spine Society sponsored the Spine Journal and based its survey studies on treatments of CBP based on non-surgical treatment. Using the McKenzie method the society has reviewed its findings from time to time.

Tips on McKenzie method:

Most studies on McKenzie initiated in the 90's come with a primary focus on concept of 'centralization'. As early as in 1958 reports of a patient experiencing pain relief symptoms have been reported by McKenzie and that too just on account of an accidental minor stretching of lower limb. Such instances form the basis of the McKenzie studies.

By incorporating an assessment and an intervention component McKenzie technique categorizes patients into different syndromes. These form the basis of Mechanical Diagnosis and therapy or MDT. By following a 'centralized' pain response technique valid assessments are made on pain related symptom. 'Centralization' involves enduring techniques for reducing distal symptoms of discomfort and an overall reduction in spine pain levels by maintaining normal posture.

The therapy also focuses on a directional preference of lumbosacral movements. In these movements maintenance of a steady posture leads to reduction in pain symptoms or their disappearance. Such a functional aspect leads to normalizing a patient's spinal movement for quick relief.

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