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Herbal Remedies are a Popular Alternative to Prescription Medication

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Herbal remedies are becoming a popular alternative to allopathic remedies. While over the counter and prescription remedies can cause some serious side effects, or even cause the same symptoms they are trying to alleviate, herbal remedies appear to be a gentler way to heal ourselves.

Many herbal remedies are gentler on our systems... they provide nutrients, vitamins and minerals along with helping us to heal. Other herbal remedies, on the other hand, can be very strong. Unless you know how to use them or are using them under the care of a certified herbalist it is best to stay away from some of the stronger remedies.

There are several herbal remedies that you could use safely on your own by doing a little research to see what they are good for. Catnip, for instance is a gentle calming herb for humans. Made into a mild tea, it is gentle enough for children and can be used to promote sleep and relaxation. It is also good for the digestion and can help ease nausea from the flu or morning sickness. Cayenne is a heating herb... by sprinkling some as seasoning on your food, you can aid your circulation. It also helps your digestive system, and helps you resist abnormal bleeding.

When taking herbal remedies, do your homework. Learn how an herb affects the body and the illness you are hoping to treat, don't just take someone's word for it. If you learn about herbs and what they do, you'll be able to read the ingredients on a combination herbal remedy and know automatically if that is the remedy you need or not. This is a good skill to cultivate if you are interested in using herbs as alternative medicine.

If you want to prepare your own herbal remedies, there are several good books and websites available from which to learn. Do not prepare your own remedies unless you are well-versed in the herbs you are using and how to take them. Rely on a certified herbalist or a reputable herbal medicine company. Many herbal companies are online... be sure that you feel confident in their products before ordering.

When taking herbal remedies, be aware that they may interact with any prescription medications you are taking. If you are unsure, consult your doctor or a certified herbalist. They have resources to check both your prescription medications and the herbs you wish to try for incompatibilities. There is actually a book called "Herb - Drug Interactions" that is available for sale to the public that compares the two types of medications and has lists of what works well together and what doesn't.

Taking herbal remedies can do you a lot of good. They're more natural forms of medicine that can treat your whole being rather than just a symptom. At the same time, they are not something that should be taken lightly. Don't be afraid to do some research or consult the proper experts before taking an unfamiliar remedy. Herbs can provide the treatment you need when you choose the right remedies.

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