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Finding Jobs - The Practice of Mind Mastery Will Empower You to Succeed

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The nature of our up-bringing in Kenya for the largest part does not allow an individual to tamper in the world of introspection.
We often judge quiet thoughtfulness as sadness and depression.
In fact, human beings as a whole, unless they come face to face with a real life challenge, are not given to listening to their heart, their inner selves and the stuff that goes on within.
Yet the people who touch the lives of others the most are those who have made quiet thoughtfulness a way of life.
Artists, powerful musicians and men and women of superior genius are such people.
Usually, before they hit the charts or the galleries with breathtaking inspiration, we assume they are weirdoes and a bit eccentric.
Quiet thoughtfulness is a practice of men and women of purpose Men and women of purpose and subsequently of great achievements are not often inclined toward endless chatter and noise.
Even when they are of a highly choleric and energetic nature, they will always find time in their day dedicated to silent introspection.
It is those moments of silence that the soul of man or woman is enabled to touch base with their Source and find direction quite away from the noise and advert-filled world they live in.
Different religious teachings will give different names to this practice, but it is a universal teaching amongst all men in all languages.
What then is silent introspection and what has that got to do with your search for jobs in Kenya? Quiet thoughtfulness will open your eyes in a way nothing else will The natural human mind right from the day that one comes to this earth starts to train to see this and that and the other.
Watch an infant's eyes in a room as they lie helplessly alone.
Their eyes do not stick in any one position; they keep moving about watching numerous things.
I am sometimes tempted to think they are privy to a world we become blind to as we age.
But then, I digress.
As we grow we learn to give little attention to one thing before quickly moving our minds to the next thing.
This mental habit is the single most destructive one to your personal success.
The mind in its simplest form is that part of the brain that enables you to process various stimuli.
It enables you to process light, sound, sight, touch and all other physical impulses, and make meaning of them.
However, there is another role of the mind that common talk does not refer much to that you can only link into through silent introspection.
That mind is the one that enables you to sift out complex stimuli which we then lightly refer to as decisions.
It also enables you to decipher complex unseen stimuli which we then casually refer to as opportunities.
We call that mind the unconscious mind.
I will not go into technical details of the conscious and unconscious mind, but I will detail one thing; directly governing the extent of any man's success or failure is the wiring of their unconscious mind.
Every impulse, every thought we repeat to ourselves often, every mental view held long enough all go into wiring your subconscious mind and ultimately determines your daily choices and your daily perceptions of opportunity.
Train your mind to see jobs in Kenya and jobs in Kenya will come to you Sometimes I have no choice but to snigger inside when I hear the Practice of Mind Mastery shot down by religious teachers.
I once held a seminar on 'the way to personal achievement.
' One participant who was an ardent follower of a particular faith asked me, 'are you not teaching a new faith?' No! I am not teaching a new faith; I am simply saying in different words what you will read everyday in whatever religious book you choose to use; your mind is the centre of all the work that the Divine will ever carry out in your life.
If you can but harness and be in control of the thoughts you allow to pass through your mind daily, then your success, and your ability to both see and take your job opportunities in Kenya, will be as assured as the sun is sure to rise tomorrow morning.

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