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Booty Shaping Recipe: Butt Lifting StrawBerry Smoothie

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There's a bunch of truth the age-old quote: "You are what you eat." This is especially true when it comes to eating for a great body and optimal fitness. For women - proper exercise and wise nutrition are the key weapons in repairing or preserving a firm, toned and attractively sculpted butt, hips & thighs area.

It doesn't matter how young or how old you are - the quality of the foods you eat have a direct impact on how you look, feel and function. Properly structured exercise sessions give you the correct physiological stimulus in the body zones you want to enhance and improve - and the right foods give you the wide-spectrum of nutrients to allow your whole body to look, feel and operate at it's highest levels - both on the inside and outside.

One of the most valuable 'little' foods you can add to your daily diet plan is ground flax seeds. They give you a nice balance of muscle toning protein, dietary fiber and essential fatty acids (omega-3's, etc...). They also work wonders in appetite stabilizer and blood sugar control.

Organic flax seeds are so popular and readily available now you can even get them at your neighborhood supermarket - and even your corner drug store. If not, don't worry - you should be able to find them at one of the dozens of nutrition/natural food websites on the 'net. Once you have your flax seeds - there is no end to the number of ways you can add them to your daily meals. Here's just one quick & simple way:

Tight Booty Banana-Berry Smoothie

* Two ripe, small/medium bananas, cut in slices
* 1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries
* 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries
* 1 (4 oz.) any berry yogurt (*this is optional*)
* 2/3 cups skim milk (or soy, if you must)
* Three tablespoons milled or ground flax seed
* 6 - 7 ice cubes
* 1/4 teaspoon of stevia powder (preferably organic)

Place all ingredients into a blender and mix on medium-high speed for forty-five seconds or until nicely whipped. Pour into four large glasses and serve immediately for you and your lucky guests.

Makes four servings.

Each smoothie serving: 160 calories;

* 6 grams fiber
* 28 grams carbohydrates
* 5 grams protein
* 5 grams fat (less than 1 gram saturated fat)
* 3 mg cholesterol
* 24 mg sodium

This is just one of many easy ways to nourish your body with the elements it needs to stay tightly toned and firmly lifted.

For ladies who want to recapture, or preserve and prolong, a sexy, head-turning buns, hips & thighs area, it's simply a matter of doing the little things regularly to get the great results you desire and deserve.


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