See application and salary information about AccuTran Global.
BPO specializing in transcription, data entry, translation, editing, financial or administrative support
Company Description:
Describing itself as an "online virtual business services company," AccuTran Global, based in Ontario, Canada, and founded in 2002, provides a variety of service using home-based workers in Canada, United States and United Kingdom. The types of services the company offers clients include data entry, transcription (medical and general but mostly financial), translation, editing (substantive and copy editing), proofreading, bookkeeping, tax prep and administrative support.
Types of Work-at-Home Opportunities at AccuTran Global:
As is often the case with data entry and transcription, work is done by independent contractors not employees. While most of the work is for transcriptionists, there are jobs for transcription reviewers (usually promoted from transcriptionists), editors, real-time writers and scopists.
Transcriptionists listen to fairly short bits of audio and transcribe them, using transcription software and typically a headset and foot pedal. Reviewers check the transcripts for errors, research terminology and re-listen to parts of the audio. Editors do the same as reviewers but listen to the whole audio and do more extensive research. Real-time writers (or voice captioners) are hired separately and use email below for more information on these jobs.
AccuTran does not offer flexible schedules or full-time, permanent work. Transcribers are needed at specific times of day and on certain days of the week with peak periods throughout the year.
Qualifications and Requirements:
The absolute minimum typing speed for transcriptionists is 60 wpm, but 70 wpm is preferred. Applicants are selected, at least in part, on the basis of their performance on a set of tests. While experience will help you perform better on these tests, it is not strictly necessary.
The general characteristics required are a good listening ability, excellent English skills including punctuation and spelling, Internet research skills and following instructions and communicating well. The ability to maintain your computer (installing hardware and software, doing routine maintenance) is required.
Transcibers should be comfortable with European and Australian accents. Background in or knowledge of banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, electronics, real estate or manufacturing is preferred. An interest in and general knowledge base regarding world affairs is needed. And if you are fluent in and able to transcribe in a second language, that is also preferred.
Technical requirements include a computer that is less than 4 years old. AccuTran will provide software for PCs (with Windows XP or later); Mac users can download the free ExpressScribe software. Headphones are required from the start, and foot pedals are recommended at the beginning and required by a transcriptionist's second season at AccuTran Global.
Hours at AccuTran Global:
The busiest times of day for transcription are 8 AM to 1:30 PM (EST) and 4 to 7:30 PM, but transcriptionist may be needed as early as 4 AM. The busiest days of the week are Tuesday through Thursday and Friday morning. Thursdays are required. Peak periods last approximately 4 weeks and begin on October 20, January 20, April 20 and July 20.
Applying to AccuTran Global:
Complete the questionnaire on the link on the AccuTran Global jobs page and save in Word in ".doc" format and send as an email attachment to with "APPLICATION" as the subject line. Emails that do not do this will not be reviewed. Part of the questionnaire includes four tests--transcription, spelling and punctuation, comprehension and editing. These must be completed as well for your application to be considered.
For similar jobs, see these work-at-home company lists, but be sure to know the signs of a data entry scam.
Pay at AccuTran Global:
AccuTran Global pays transcribers by the word. Starting base rate is $0.005/word for basic audio. The top rate is $0.0066/word for difficult and/or foreign audio. The company offers a 20 percent bonus for calls from non-English-speaking countries and for calls with lots of technical terminology. Transcribers who earn $2,000 within the first 6 months earn a $50 bonus. Payment is made on the 15th of the month by check or wire transfer.
Read more about how and what data entry companies pay.
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