Preparing For the Arrival of Twins (Part 2)
Preparing For The Arrival Of Twins (Part 2) We were just having a quite stroll in Fuengirola after the weekly pre-natal check up with our gynaecologist when we just happened to pass the local shop that specialises in baby furniture and prams etc.
And there in the window on special offer was the perfect bedroom set on display.
Of course my wife fell in love with it straight away so we had to go inside and take a closer look.
It was solidly made and one of those 3 in 1 cots that convert into a single bed eventually so it would near enough do for life and it came with the matching wardrobe, changing table with cupboard and draws below and two bedside shelf units, and it was reduced to nearly half price.
Perfect we'll have it! That's where it all started going down hill and you realise that the world isn't set up for parents with twins.
The conversation went something like: "We'd like the nursery furniture set you have on display in the window please, only we're having twins so we'll need two cots" "Oh I don't know if we can do that sir you see it's manufactured and sold as a complete set I'll have to ring the factory and find out if they'll make an additional cot?" Shop assistant goes to phone and comes back twenty minutes later.
"Yes it's not normal but we can order another cot separately, it will take six weeks to arrive" "Luckily we still have six weeks till the birth so let's go ahead and order it how much is the additional cot?" "Three hundred and fifty euros sir" "What, the whole lots only five hundred euros?" "Yes but that's in the sale and the extra cot is a special order" By this time my wife will not even consider any other bedroom furniture and keeps reminding me that it will be cheaper in the long run as the cots eventually turn into beds so I bite my tongue and hand over my credit card.
"Now they don't come with mattresses sir, I suggest the latest Latex mattress as they're much healthier for the babies and will last a lifetime.
Now as the cots are a special size they'll have to be made to measure so we'd better pre-order them now, You've only got six weeks after all and you want everything ready for the arrival don't you...
And there in the window on special offer was the perfect bedroom set on display.
Of course my wife fell in love with it straight away so we had to go inside and take a closer look.
It was solidly made and one of those 3 in 1 cots that convert into a single bed eventually so it would near enough do for life and it came with the matching wardrobe, changing table with cupboard and draws below and two bedside shelf units, and it was reduced to nearly half price.
Perfect we'll have it! That's where it all started going down hill and you realise that the world isn't set up for parents with twins.
The conversation went something like: "We'd like the nursery furniture set you have on display in the window please, only we're having twins so we'll need two cots" "Oh I don't know if we can do that sir you see it's manufactured and sold as a complete set I'll have to ring the factory and find out if they'll make an additional cot?" Shop assistant goes to phone and comes back twenty minutes later.
"Yes it's not normal but we can order another cot separately, it will take six weeks to arrive" "Luckily we still have six weeks till the birth so let's go ahead and order it how much is the additional cot?" "Three hundred and fifty euros sir" "What, the whole lots only five hundred euros?" "Yes but that's in the sale and the extra cot is a special order" By this time my wife will not even consider any other bedroom furniture and keeps reminding me that it will be cheaper in the long run as the cots eventually turn into beds so I bite my tongue and hand over my credit card.
"Now they don't come with mattresses sir, I suggest the latest Latex mattress as they're much healthier for the babies and will last a lifetime.
Now as the cots are a special size they'll have to be made to measure so we'd better pre-order them now, You've only got six weeks after all and you want everything ready for the arrival don't you...