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Gluten-Free / Grain-Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

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Here's our version of a gluten-free / grain-free chocolate chip cookie that's suited for people not only on gluten-free diets but Paleo-type low carb diets as well.

Our cookie is made with almond meal, flax meal and finely shredded coconut and contains zero refined starches like rice flour, granulated sugar, tapioca, corn or potato starch.

If you're working to cut down on the amount of refined carbs in your gluten-free diet, you may really like this recipe. The cookies have a slightly grainy texture, lots of fiber, healthy fat from almonds, flax and coconut and considerably less sugar than many cookie recipes -- and our sugar is in a more natural unprocessed form as maple syrup.

See Also

Flourless Gluten-Free Amaretti Cookie Recipe

Gluten-Free Chocolate Truffle Cookies

Gluten-Free Sesame Crisp Cookies


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